
My man, I have some shocking news about a literary device called foreshadowing.

I’m livid this doesn’t have more stars.

I, internet stranger, know more about what makes video games video games than the people who work in video games

Conor’s actually qualified for one of his jobs though.

i ain’t seen shit

This Mr. Fantastic looking motherfucker has the backbone of a chocolate eclair.

Pray for a Luigi’s Mansion attraction

Probably not. Being dull and unfunny isn’t a death sentence. Of course, I suspect it might be for someone so desperate to make a lulz.

You’re neither particularly funny nor adept at posting memes.

I have never heard of this and the internet never turned this into an ugly witch hunt.

This is pretty much the only thing that has ever mattered to me in the history of the world.

I hope Ye gets the help he needs. I’m happy I’ve seen him the times I’ve seen him and he’s an electric performer and revolutionary artist who constantly redefines hip hop.

Hi Russ! How’s Oklahoma?

No one is a bigger coward or making up for more with fake bravado than Joe Rogan.

Between this and being harassed by a Trump supporter in the street this week it’s been a fucked up day

You’re probably not very smart for being a flippant cockstain, and yet here we are.

Apparently you just blanked on the whole I voted for Clinton thing in the beginning, but hey no worries.\

Brown dude here: You’re full of shit. Hillary Clinton did not inspire get out the vote, specially amongst minorities. You can look at break downs and see the Obama coalition didn’t show up for her. I voted for her because she is obviously qualified and bright but don’t for a second think I forgot “careful politician

I’m not dissing him, it’s just mind boggling to be an active athlete at 28 and then look like this at 40 plus. I’m a huge fan of his.

The clear or cream cod?