
I can definitely understand that argument. At the same time, I truly want to lay out how much I really like Noire. It was fun, and innovative and it’s been a blast to revisit when I’ve popped it in. But it didn’t make me feel like I felt during a vast majority of Red Dead.

is it monetarily sustainable to make things like LA Noire? It killed Bondi and was fairly tepid. Rockstar has a reputation to uphold in excellence of games. Hell, even their Table Tennis game was very, very good.

Lin was very good on last week’s show. In general, the cast has been gluing and getting better. It feels like time for Keenan to leave though same with Bobby.

The point is I’m paying 60 dollars for a game from a studio that’s justly known as being one of the best in video games. I like LA Noire a lot, and found parts of it genuinely groundbreaking but if I’m gonna strain the budget for a game I want something that makes me feel the way the John Marston arc did or characters

I live for a new Red Dead

LA Noire is no Red Dead or GTA V

social liberalism with small government seems incongruent to me though. Historically speaking, social progress comes trickle down from Federal interference.

I can’t find the gif but just imagine red and pink hearts pouring out of a cartoon character i can’t remember.

Exactly. someone wanting small government is something I can understand. Someone claiming assault doesn’t happen or all Mexicans are rapists and stuff. That’s a totally different ballpark

a Middle Eastern refugee? Fat fucking chance.

i’m a liberal. I abhor her ideas. I’m glad she has them. I’m glad she’s eloquent and smart and kind.

Unnecessary update: I have shown approximately every single one of my co-workers the article and accompanying video. I’m pretty sure everyone here hates me now.

Bad Take

This was so insanely funny to me this morning I sat in my office laughing for a solid 10 minutes, with actual tears running down my cheeks.

Petition for us to chip in to build Marla Maples a time machine/ space ship (ala TARDIS) so she can raise her kid even further away from Cheetoh Da Creepo

i’ve been watching sports my entire life. I played high school soccer and basketball. If I had gotten that good at evading another human being I’d probably be a millionaire. Yikes.

She cashed the checks juuuuuuust fine.

Holy fuck, are you in for an unpleasant surprise if you think she was stuck up in the film and are hoping to remedy that through the books.

Shit talk Left Shark at your own peril.

Kennedy’s not a bad bet to flip on this, honestly.