Dr. Audrey

Evangelicals put so, so, so much time and energy into controlling women and their sexuality. If you’re a woman in an evangelical community, from about the age of ten all you hear about is how much you need to protect your virtue, how women who are modest and abstain from sex are better than women who don’t, how your

That bit about her taking her wedding dress with her when she traveled so that she could get married at a moment’s notice gave me a serious case of fremdschamen. That’s just so pathetic.

Would not be surprised if they at a minimum see this as a feature, not a bug.

Hey, look! A picture of twenty-five men who have never once in their collective lives given a woman an orgasm!

Not that these pieces of shit in these statehouses care, but if these laws go into effect (long shot, but still), they’ll have handed a really powerful weapon to abusive men. Imagine a woman gets pregnant and that is the thing that spurs her to leave her abusive boyfriend. A few weeks later, she has a miscarriage. All

This is the part that’s blackly funny. These morons in state government totally wrecked the scam national Republicans had going on. National Republicans were going to make abortion almost impossible to get while solemnly swearing that they were so, so concerned about women and their health and their safety and their

Nope, they won’t. Because they’re white and a lot of them are married and they go to “good” churches. They’ll tearfully explain to the detective that they wanted this baby and they’re just devastated and their pastor and husband will confirm and that’ll be that. Meanwhile, the black or Hispanic woman who does the same

Seriously. My whole life I’ve been pretty much a happy camper. Like, even when we were losing our house to foreclosure and my husband and I were fighting a lot, I was sort of like, “Okay, this sort of sucks but overall I still wake up pretty happy to see what the day brings.” Then I had a baby and encountered

What kind of garbage human doesn’t know that they shouldn’t rub their erect penis against another person without that person’s consent? What kind of person even pretends they don’t know. Like, I get it when it’s a dog that does it—dogs are animals and don’t know any better. So, congratulations, Mark Halperin: you’re

It seems like, though, if spouse A is financially supporting spouse B while spouse B pursues some kind of business/artistic/educational endeavor, then it doesn’t seem terribly fair if spouse B achieves financial success and then is like, “Okay, well, thanks for the support, but I’m gonna take this money and bounce,

I don’t know what Loughlin’s upbringing was like, but I knew a lot of people at the private college I went to who pretty much believed that rules didn’t apply to them. In fairness, they had pretty much never experienced a negative consequence for their actions in their lives, so it wasn’t an entirely unreasonable

Also, I feel like their boringness is sort of the point. They are just sort of a boring married couple, and there’s something sort of comforting about that. So often celebrity marriages are marketed as this “We’re so much more interesting and beautiful than normal people and look at all the drama” thing. Theirs is

My perpetually bearded uncle once shaved his beard and mustache off before he picked my aunt (his wife of 20 years) up at the airport. She walked right past him and then he watched her get peeved that he wasn’t there to pick her up. When he went over and touched her arm, she started to tell him to fuck off before she

It’s probably more like, “Hey, I saw you made a movie about that lady who used to work for an abortion provider and now makes bank giving speeches to rubes. Please hook me up with the same deal.”

Judging by the comments about it I’ve seen from people who saw it in my FB feed, it’s supposed to make people who already don’t like abortion feel really smug about being on “the right side” of the issue.

My husband was absolutely smart enough to do college work, but he would have been miserable. He had enough trouble finishing high school because being inside sitting at a desk all day is a form of torture for him. Luckily, he wound up in a trade, so he spends his days building stuff (and making a surprisingly good

I mean, it’s weird, but I feel like Dina Lohan is exactly the kind of woman who is so incredibly insecure that she freaks out any time she suspects another woman has even crossed the mine of the person she’s dating. I know someone who was dating a woman who flipped out at him because his (female) cousin wished him

I had my first crush on a boy in my kindergarten class. I didn’t know WHY I wanted him to notice me and think I was cool or why I thought his hair was so much more awesome than all the other boys’ in the class, but I definitely did. This idea that kids can’t know who they are... total bullshit.

Kids under 5, yeah. By 11 most of the kids in co-sleeping families I know have decided that they want their own sleep space. So, it’s a little odd. But, whatever, good on ‘em. I can see the appeal of cuddles at night if you only have to do it for shorter periods of time (and can afford a weekly hotel trip when you are

Parenting right now is insane. I’ll admit that with my daughter I kept track of a lot of things (like frequency and duration of feedings and stuff). The pediatrician we were seeing at a time LOVED it. But as much as I thought that I was relieving my own anxiety by having a record of it, I think it was probably feeding