Dr. Audrey

The predictive abilities of period trackers is really nice, I will say. I use a period tracker and I’m at the age where things are going a little bit wonky when it comes to the regularity of my period--not big changes, just a cycle that becomes slightly shorter for a while and then becomes slightly longer. If I were

Having used some of these apps, I can tell you that they’re really pushy. My period tracker is constantly trying to get me to upload my “symptoms” (no, you can’t have those, Flo, you get the dates and that’s it and you’ll be happy with it). So, if you’re getting these push notifications on your phone and it’s telling

I’m pretty sure that if Ilhan Omar called a Jewish person “a kind, and generous human,” there would be some conservatives who would find a way to make that into an anti-Semitic slur. The conservative response to Omar and AOC is fascinating and also ridiculous.

But it was founded by former tech workers and, as we know, people who work in technology/Silicon Valley have all the answers to fix all of our problems in creative and disruptive ways.

It’s almost like fixing all the things that we hate about our healthcare system might not be simple! Who’d-a thunk it?

It’s amazing how diverse bodies can be, and fitting is as much an art as a science.

That’s a fair distinction, but given that getting flat things to curve in more than one direction than letting things hang straight, I think the same principle is at work here. 

I sew, largely because I want clothes that fit me correctly (I’m a top heavy size 10, generally speaking) and because I want dresses with pockets. I have found that sewing for myself requires a lot more adjustments than sewing for my 7 year old daughter, and I think a lot of that comes down to just the number of

I always wonder what people who freak out about women’s restrooms think happens in there. Like, do they not know that there are stalls? Do they not know that there are ONLY stalls? 

I had missed that so I clicked the link and I am so fucking glad that I did because that was fucking hilarious.

Thank you for clearing up who the fuck Jojo is with that first paragraph. I’ve seen her migraine inducing clothing for sale at Target and displayed as though I’m supposed to know who Jojo is, but I didn’t care enough to actually look it up. I sort of figured she was some sort of Disney star. I’m slightly horrified by

They can cry me a fucking river, those fucking sociopaths. 

If they have babies those kids are going to be next level beautiful.

Why not both?

That name isn’t just white. It’s, like, aggressively white.

As much as the “scare the bejeezus out of them” method of sex and drug education wasn’t the best, it was definitely effective in making sure that I always used a condom every time with every partner back when I was young and single. These young’uns clearly didn’t watch those after school specials in seventh grade

I think it’s kind of both. People are both having less sex overall and having more hook ups. People in long term relationships, particularly if they live together, have more sex than people who just float from partner to partner (it’s a lot easier to put the moves on the person who sleeps in the same bed with you than

I get the feeling that they’re both kind of a lot, just as people. No judgement and I like them both as performers, but I think it’s extra work when both people in a relationship are big personalities. It could definitely be performative to an extent, and obviously they have capitalized on their image as a solid, fun

That is a lot to ask, but if the LW can be a little patient he might get what he wants. My partner has a specific kink that doesn’t really do anything for me. But, whatever, he was really into the idea, so I agreed to do it with him, although I was less than enthusiastic. The thing is that it turned him on so much