Rooty, I am going to guess that (rhymes with Kevin Prunes) does not milk the cows himself.
Rooty, I am going to guess that (rhymes with Kevin Prunes) does not milk the cows himself.
You seem to be under the delusion that somehow a little less melanin means more fitness to run the country. Newsflash: race is a social construct with little basis in scientific fact. Newsflash Two: the white folks are not exactly doing a bang up job.
I don't think this will ever get old.
Now I know what I want for Christmas.
I have said for years that the most eloquent protest against these clowns would be an empty auditorium, but here’s Plan B: If seating capacity is 800, then clearly 800 police officers are needed to sit there and monitor the situation. LEOs take precedence over ticket holders. It’s a state of emergency, people.
Oh, no, Kelly! Thank you!
In my never-ending search for the coolest band names, “Jack Kirby’s Spartacus Sleepover” just made the top ten.
In my never-ending search for the coolest band names, “Jack Kirby’s Spartacus Sleepover” just made the top ten.
Pretty much every other person on the street in Reykjavik looks like a Viking, but they’re such darned friendly Vikings you don’t worry about the raping and pillaging part. I’ll definitely be going back.
And not to put too fine a point on it, but 200x is just the average. Numbers like 300x and 400x are pretty common, all the way up to 1000x and 1500x. I’ve yet to hear a compelling argument for how someone’s contribution is worth 1500 times someone else’s.
Don’t forget the secret gay meetings. How does a gay black Muslim keep the calendar straight?!!
“I’m very happy to have raised awareness” (that I am the terrifying re-animated corpse of Joe Goebbels in a bad blond fright wig), said KKKellyanne KKKonway.
Been saying for weeks she is the re-animated corpse of Joe Goebbels in a blond fright wig.
I think it’s fairer to say Scalia had a carefully cultivated reputation for judging and ruling as an originalist but in fact felt free to depart from that whenever it suited his purpose of the moment. The biggest problem with these hearings is getting people to be honest, period. Roberts pretty much lied through his…
Lot of that going around. Humor helps (and proceeding from there to constructive engagement isn’t bad either):
Of course the article is less interesting if you take into account that the total number of documented attacks by healthy (as in not rabid) wolves in North America in recorded history can be counted on less than one hand.