Dranka Dranka

When will we as a society get to the point where we realize that women never die and to suggest that they do is the height of sexism

When will we as a society get to the point where we realize that women never die and to suggest that they do is the height of sexism

The three people I know who own legal dispensaries (if it matters Spanish, Spanish and Arab Armenian) are all kind of shady so this thing surprises me. I know at least one of them has a drug conviction and was in prison for at least 5 years so I assume he's a felon though maybe it wasn't for drugs. Can you murder

Zorba the Mexican? Honestly I feel like "ethnic" actors should be free to play other "ethnic" roles. Imagine if Quinn would h have been shot down for anything not specific to his background, or if Andy Garcia, Johns Turturro and John Leguizamo, or that dude from Community were so limited? They aren't going to get many

Wow, Scalped! That's the comic I'd always thought it would be cool to adapt into an AMC miniseries if I ever became a millionaire with Hollywood connections. Hope whoever's doing it casts Eddie Huang as Johnny Tongue, that about would realize my vision as far as it went.

Bellamy killing the two dudes after they threw corpses at him and asked for Pike's head on a pike was actually something I could have seen him doing at pretty much any point in this show, not just coming from a dark place or whatever. And it totally makes sense for him to switch sides after Kane's life is threatened.

I thought adding the part about your D put it over the top but to each his own

Not me i always make sure to get in good with whoever is committing the war crimes

Yeah you should sue she was violating you completely any time someone picks something up for you it means they want your D

I don't know about 1000 paper cuts but it's kind of annoying. Honestly it bugs me more when people ask if I'm sad or pissed off. I get it all the time but I've never found it that traumatic. It's more like,where do you think you're going with this? Why the hell are you asking me this inane question?