
Ok, but Dr. Dre actually went to med school, right?

I also think Reilly is terrible, but you’re right that the constant meanness can be exhausting, and boring.

Nice of you to intentionally truncate my quote to distort its meaning.

If anybody knows anything about not getting laughs, it would certainly be “wacky” morning radio guys.

I just want to point out that if Rick Reilly were a Deadspin commenter, his terrible puns and “I haven’t seen an X like Y since Z” jokes would get about a million stars.

Fun, true facts about Professor Griff.

For whatever it’s worth, I don’t think Trump actually has the motivation or the smarts to materially damage the country.

It’s haaaaaaappeniiiiiiiiiiiiiing!

Agreed, and I wrote as much, below.

Get ready for President Trump. It’s happening.

Of all the fucked up reality shows on TV, The Bachelor/Bachelorette are, by miles, the most fucked up.

I’m a moderately intelligent, 39 year old adult. And yet, I just learned from your comment that the cookies are called Tagalongs.

Oh, god, it’s worse than I remember!

Ah, well in that case, we might not get to the bottom of it because it’s been a year since I’ve read it and I’m not planning on revisiting to pull specific quotes or anecdotes.

That’s certainly the most positive way to spin it.

I’m getting the impression you think I’m drawing my conclusions from Barry’s article.

I love his strategic beard use to create the illusion of having a jaw.

Aw, good one. You tried.

Admitting to supporting Trump is like using the n-word. It’s mostly done by the extremely stupid, and almost always behind closed doors.

I love Oliver and this segment was great, but you’re delusional if you think it’s going to make a difference or that Trump will go to war with Oliver over it.