But didn't he remember (in his final moments) his previous deaths?
Thanks, Loubama!
The resemblance is uncanny.
Just put a blonde wig on Stoya and you have your Britta.
Finally, our metamorphosis into modern-day cyber Roman emperors is complete!
"Nuance seems to be becoming a dirty word."
I was genuinely surprised Lars Von Trier's "The Boss Of It All" didn't warrant a mention.
So, the Nick Cave musician? Internet Jesus will be pleased he doesn't have to timeshare his name anymore.
But which one? WHICH ONE?
So, right in the feels?
Something, something, "Ray's Original Pizza".
Kanye style?
He was awesome on Ben and Kate and I'm thrilled he'll get some spotlight/acclaim/steady work/possible role in one of numerous spin-offs.
Big Bardo!
They should consider sending out these "therapists" to theatres as well, since I'm pretty sure the DC fans in the audience might end up needing one.
I prefer to think this is what Abed's dad has been up to, ever since he disappeared from Community.
Wait, so this isn't an adaptation of that comic by Gerard Way?
Well, "Time is a flatty-phatty circley-jerkley" does have a certain ring to it.