Jason Stingley

Man, this only goes to show.

L + R = J

hope the cars get confiscated and become police cars.

The researchers were careful in saying that the bacterium was "essentially" unchanged. For sure, there could be minute changes at the genetic level that can't be detected by surface features. But as the scientists point out, the microorganisms don't appear to have undergone any substantive morphological changes over

I agree—a shuttle. The Empire's defense contractors were forced to start utilizing similar body designs in their small craft. Cost-cutting measures, post-Rebellion.

"Ascension is a hoax — they're not in space, they're on a fake spaceship, on Earth."

Well, it's a car meant to save the world. Which it doesn't.

Valyrian steel isn't exactly a rare material, it's a technique of forging, like Damascus steel.

May I add another?

I'm loathe to validate anything about Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. But stick with me here; it's a little meta.

If someone treats their DD like that, with such skill, and ends up with the result, they forfeit their right to be offended.

You sir, take life too seriously.

If the victim's last name was Maru the case would never get solved.

I think the comprehensive list of things Tigers will eat is:

Kinda hope it does.

The man whose car was struck was obeying the speed limit, driving about 65 mph. If he had been speeding, the increased velocity of his car would have increased the power of the axe's impact, meaning it could very well have gone through the glass and injured his passenger.

Miller Motor Sports Park Utah.

I vote for the alien invasion; at least we'd die with an answer to one of the most vexing questions ever.

I highly recommend that you buy a DOCSIS 3.0 modem. Even if your desired speed tier is well within the capabilities of a D2.0 modem, you're at the mercy of the CMTS' load balancing. The fact that D3.0 modems bond channels (both on upstream and downstream) mean that you will be much less likely the feel the hurt if