Jason Stingley

“Tell women that a single room at a single event is off limits to them for a couple of hours and it’s a war crime to be tried at the Hague”

As tragic and disturbing as this is it is important to keep in mind that Viagra has brought many more babies into the world than it has taken out.

Except this is not landlane service. It is VoIP service.
Comcast’s voice products are basically like Ooma or Vonage, with the exception that it runs on Comcast’s cable network, so they can run QoS and make sure the voice quality is better.
True landlane service also still exists, but is rapidly going away. Landline

Headlines like that is why people hate you, and millennials (speaking as a millennial.) Work is the number 1 reason, cellphones drop calls all the goddamn time. Oh and I also use a fax machine at least once a week.

Wow, this is a shit headline. Go fuck yourself Rafi.

Because whiny shits on the internet fetishize a New York City that barely ever existed outside of TV and movies. “Beloved, locally owned corner store”? Give me a break. Every corner store I’ve ever been in was already either corporate owned, in need of immediate inspection and shutdown by the health inspector, or

Because its 2017 and everything is offensive..

Good ‘ol Florida Oranges...

“It’s still unclear why a big, floppy fish felt the urge to snack on a hairy, subterranean tunneler.”

Thanks to David and Brandon for making this weekend the greatest automotive experience of my life thus far. The Briarwood will always be the anchor of my future fleet of shit boxes and I owe it all to you guys.

The gist of this review seems to be that you have no patience, James. That you’ve enjoyed the one-off stories this season so far, but now that Moffat has given you an episode that sets up a longer arc, you didn’t enjoy it - so much so, that you’re back to looking forward to Moffat leaving the show.

I’ve done my share of domestic and international flights—both economy and business—on mostly American and Asian airlines. Domestic airlines in the U.S. have absolutely the worst customer service across the board. Continental and Delta are probably the best among the four (plus United and American), but that’s not

Best possible outcome. He’s removed from society, and no need for a lengthy, expensive, and wholly unnecessary trial.

Giz do us a favor and drop politics, this is a tech site, and reporting about politics is just like cancer now days.

The solution to THAT is to carefully evaluate which private schools qualify for federal funding. And to periodically update that eligibility.

Everyone is like “I wish this 18 year old kid would have died”

I wouldn’t limit to age, but more powerful, sportier car should require a special driving license. It doesn’t make sense that the same license that is valid to a Toyota Yaris is valid to a Ferrari 488 or a Porsche Turbo S.

As a Muslim this horrifies me. Not only does this shock the conscience but the destruction of this stuff is actually against Islam, according to near unanimous Muslim scholars and leaders worldwide. The Quran talks about how you should travel the world and see the fate of civilizations that came before you. There’s a

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