
Let me try this again...surprised more people aren't excited about LBP PSP...Note P, note the 3 I put earlier...fraudian fuckup

Surprised more people aren't excited about LBP PS3

I love RPG's(that, card games and castlevania are my only reason for owning a DS), but blowing into the mic? Really?

@brooklynwolf: Wow...are you calling your niece fat? I lol'd and then felt really bad about it.

This is what amazes me...I've been fighting with my friend to go to google for his email and calendars (he hasn't learned the awesomeness of RSS yet). He uses Yahoo Mail and facebook for calendars. It's his choice, but man...I don't understand why people don't use google for everything, and Wave solidifies that

250 KP-Square Enix announces a Final Fantasy VII remake for PS3/360/Wii/DS/PSP(10000:1)

yeah...this is where I get to sound like an idiot, but how do you get Pstart to start when you plug it in?

I use the suggest pretty regularly, so a full on link is good for me...the history thing is kinda useless to me, though

The Royals have fans?

I would love this if all my computers weren't already running Win7...though to be honest, I think Jump Lists are cooler in theory than in action. I don't really see the need for them now. I say now, because I'm sure that someone will do something that makes them super cool and useful.

@corchadoj: Sugar came by to get her high?

Seiously...did all of this and it won't work. Using the newest launchy, could that have something to do with it? Please help!

I think there's something people aren't getting here, and that is quality is in the eye of the beholder. If a game is worth the money to me, I will buy it. If it's not, I won't. People aren't saying they can't afford 5 more dollars, they are saying the game isn't worth 5 more dollars to them (me, I'm undecided and