
Since no one answered you I will. When it was pre-flop and the % was 0% and 2% The kings with 0% could only tie the hand with the other kings. So he had no percent to win the hand. As someone else explained the 4 flush is what gave the other kings 2%. But if the kings won the hand by a straight to the king or ace it

Another gender confused Kotaku writer. Whens that San Andreas fault line going to finally sink that fucking state into the water?

Not a weird take, a realistic one. They want to white-wash away everything that can make us uncomfortable. Ignore issues or use identity politics to vilify anyone they don’t agree with. Hollywood and to a lesser extent the gaming industry (but the trend shows it’s getting worse with games) They strive to show “white

Why don’t we stop scrutinizing every fiber of a video game just let it be what it’s supposed to be. No one will care that Far Cry 5 was influenced by the election of Trump in a few years. No one talks about the political climate of the day when Metal Gear 3 came out... Seriously, this shit just doesn’t matter. If you

The west coast is literally turning men into women.... I better enjoy the next 5 to 10 years of games because they are going to get PC’d to death, more and more. 

LOL “National” tragedy.... Come on dude. These people aren’t our NATION! 

We got enough fuck ups without adding a ton of illegals who will draw welfare and treat our country like GTA V... You can look into my record buddy, I am squeeky fucking Ned Flanders esq clean! The difference is we are citizens ignoring laws. There’s accountability if your caught. These people here if they’re

Hopefully they will pass a law that deports the people sharing that shit too! Fuck illegals!

Carbs are sugars, genius. You can get diabetes from just about anything we produce. If it doesn’t grow on a tree, walk on the ground or swim in the ocean you probably shouldn’t eat it. 

We need to see more... It’s already in every show on tv. Every major piece of pop entertainment has it. More? How about we see more family values. Regardless of sexual inclinations. I don’t care if it’s two men or two women. Just show people making good moral decisions. There are SOME shows like that now. But, thats

You’re right, and furthermore if you look at the real numbers this big squeaky complaining wheel only represents about 2% of the population. So we have 8B people and lose 99.9% Would leave us with around 800,000 people. Meaning less than 8,000 of them would be gay or lesbian. Of course one of them happens to be in

Death of Star Wars and the death of video games. Lets ram a social agenda down your throat, we (game makers) don’t care what you want. It’s now about PC’ness and inclusion. Welp, people vote with their wallets. The gaming industry isn’t excluded. Wait and see.

For not knowing what I am talking about I certainly understand the company just wants to make money and let the marketplace decide what it rewards and doesn’t (with money). Sounds a whole lot like capitalism to me, kiddo!

Everything you need to know about gender: Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina

Germany does pretend it never happened...

Everyone against this needs a lesson in Capitalism. You’d all be perfectly ok with a game about becoming a transvestite.

The hysterics are palpable. Boy are you guys salty.

We, literally are in the best economy over the past 30 years. Job numbers are the highest they’ve been since the 60s. Times aren’t tough. Go find a job in energy or steel or manufacturing.

I make good money, can buy games all day. I pirate because, FUCK THEM! Why pay for something I can get for free without consequence. I buy any multi player game I want to play and pirate the rest. Cheers! Let the rest of you neckbeards line the pockets of these companies. I just bought a new RZR :)

If this would have been in america I could have heard the autistic screetching through the screen by the OP. Since it’s not. He practically excused it and politely asked for it to stop. LOL the double standards are so so real