Drakkon hears unmarked helicopters

I know of family of some means, but in no way super rich. They flew about 8 people to the Bahamas for just about the same price as eight commercial flights, but they flew from a regional airport to a private airport much closer to the villa they rented. They figure they saved about 8 hours in TSA, connections and

I googled “hot girl with a train” expecting to post something ironic. There are a disturbing number of valid hits. Weird. Art directors can sexualize just about any topic, I guess. 

Yeah, but we had snow this week and I can’t imagine leaning over a standard height (looks standard height) engine compartment of a modern pickup and not getting filth all over my clothes. These something more cab forward like the hideous Fiat or slightly less hideous Transit would allow for a lower reach-in height.

The frunk is cute, but really all that usable in a pickup? Lift over height combined with reach down depth looks terrible. Plus, add gross, salty, slushy grimy weather conditions and are YOU going lean over the front of your truck to reach down in there on a daily basis?

Methinks I may have found the answer why all three brands kind of hit the same efficiency ceiling.

That has got to put tremendous heat in the tires. 

subtract four 72-way adjustable, heated, cooled massaging seats and I bet you’re 25% of the way there. 

Drat. KINJA got Kinja’d

Don’t the RB26 engines get assembled on temperature controlled tables in near-clean-rooms? Methinks it takes more than ordering the parts list and assembling it yourself.

I’m I totally insane, but wouldn’t ducted fans be the absolute bare minimum in safety design for this?

Nobody posted this yet?

Yeah, stick to cable TV prime time and the NOMEX suit, please.

Rally is a head game and Robert’s is screwed down tight. That dude is amazing

You know what I miss about the 80s? Snapping off a shift to 3rd and punching the radio.

The dude’s bronzer is over the top, but I know women who wear that much on any day that ends in “day”. 

I bought insurance. Yep. 

I’ve had a few ruggers. Seems great at the time. Next morning is a little rough.

Posted for a half hour and one comment? Oh how the might have fallen


That’s freaking amazing. I had no idea. I thought they had a plant. That’s not a plant. When they joke about “built in a shed...”