
Yeah, it probably wasn't his fault that nothing was there. At least we got a good joke out of it!

Thanks, I think that helps. Perhaps our frustrations with other people's adoration of him makes us come off rather less tactful that we should. My biggest beef with him was exactly that he "wasn't particularly good at making the case for why he held a particular opinion about a film." His writing certainly can be

That wasn't even in the movie! :-P

Take it from someone who saw the whole thing: You were better off. There was nothing to see!

I never liked nor understood Roger Ebert. If his opinions disagreed with mine all the time, at least I'd be able to tell if I'd like a movie based on his review, but sometimes he totally gets it, like Dark City, and other times you get sometheing as moronic as his UHF review, or "video games will never be art."

The irony now is that with the advent of digital broadcasting in the US, almost all stations these days actually are UHF.

I really liked Word Crimes, but nearly all of his songs this day and age are originals to me since I've never head the other versions.

I'd love another movie like UHF, filled with parodies and such, but I don't see the point of making it in any way a sequel to UHF.

I thought his last album 'Mandatory Fun' was pretty good, but I will say that I generally enjoy his older work more. Probably some nostalgic blindness there.

Haha! "Is this your card?" That is pretty funny.