
The real reason for flying boats was the fixed pitch prop. Prior to adjustable pitch props you had either a climb or cruise prop, if you wanted to be able to cruise at altitude at a decent speed and at a low cruise RPM you needed a flat pitch prop. This was the equivalent of fifth gear in a car and just like top gear

The idea behind carbon offsets is that it is an investment in reduced-carbon technologies equivalent to the carbon that you have used.

this is the opposite of what the story above says 

“The kinds you and I buy for travel are simpler, and used for a variety or projects: not just reforestation but also capturing methane, building biogas digesters and supporting projects that help reduce dependency on fossil fuels, such as wind farms; basically anything that can help capture carbon or reduce its

“Because putting your tax refund on a gift card means that you’ll spend it on new purchases instead of using the money to pay down debt, build up your emergency fund, or save for the future.”

By the same logic, screw your 401k match! You’re just locking up your money that could have been used to pay down debt! Right?

Love the post. I’m curious how your perspective is on how John and Jane Q. Ghana lives versus how your wife’s peoples were living. From what I gather, they seem to be high up on the foot chain.  It does seem like a nice place, and I’m curious how this series plays out.

Thank you, I totally will! It's Friday and you're leaving!

130 on a public road? Maybe that's blase to you car journalists, but that sounds crazily reckless and dangerous. Stopping distance at 120mph would be over 840 feet, or 280 metres, or just under the length of three football fields. Why shouldn't someone go to jail for doing that where there could be other people?

I would have much rather done community service, volunteered at a library or a food bank, or paid a larger fine to avoid jail, but that wasn't in the cards with this judge. I sped in the wrong county in the wrong state.

Or you know, don't speed. I promise wherever you have to go is probably not worth increasing the chance of your or another's death significantly. The greatest driver in the world can't do much if a tire blows or a deer jumps out of the woods, but it's a lot easier to stop from 60 than it is 90.