
I mean, this is a total mindfuck for all the “I’m not racist, but...” and the “What about my FREEZE PEACH!!!!1!!!” crowds. It’s a perfect litmus test on both bigotry and Constitutional protections. The bigots and idiots have to double-down on their stupidity or else their heads will explode.

There is a difference between checking one’s privilege, and reveling in it. I know that white people have privileges. I don’t need to be reminded about that every time I interact with someone, who then uses that as a platform to express why *their* ideas are so good.

Boy you just can’t stop patting yourself on the back for being white.

You and Gmart seem to be having a conversation where words are used, but nothing is being said. I can vaguely see that...you are Ok with it, but don’t like it...and the media...something? Also...social media?

The problem that we have is that police officers are going out and shooting people who are not a danger and then not facing justice for it.

I get what you’re saying. It’s not super deep or new territory, but I think his line about “what he’s doing is not a threat to America” needs to be repeated more.

The man who hates talking has the most logical things to say. Who knew?