
A $40 release will probably be about £30 ($60) over here, and that is way way too much for 18 tracks. I do like that the export option is still there though. Might pick up this one when it drops into the bargain bins. Nice of them to put a Euro date in the press release as well.

@Bum_Trumpet: Although the UK is the best European country for the 360, Europe's 'Playstation loyalty' still holds pretty strong here.

I'm pleased to see 4 PC games in the charts, especially when they're all high quality rather than more bloody Sims expansions.

The new level sounds pretty cool, but I'll only bite if they keep the price down. Below 400 points would be nice. As for the costumes, meh.

Just cannot wait.

Interesting and informative. I personally loved RE4, but I'll admit I'd like to see an old fashioned Alone In The Dark style creepathon.

Surely the total breakdown of society cannot help but follow this?

I was under the impression that the PlatinumGames title was called Infinite Line. Is this a different game or just a different translation?

Kudos to GamePolitics for calling the Lowenstein out on this one. i agree that sometimes Thompson's goal was to get the press to react to him, but better then industry stand up and fight its corner than role over and let him attack it.

Please. Oh God please

Picked up some old stuff on the cheap, so mainly Beautiful Katamari, Alone in the Dark and Viking. Also continuing my attempts to conquer Rock Band guitar on expert.

It's a good day to be a gamer ^-^

This is a great day, one worthy of celebration with fine cakes.


@Morpork: I don't think 08 was terrible but it certainly wasn't the big step on everyone had hoped. There hasn't really been an important evolution since PES5, so I hope this one takes a few steps forward.

This is a double edged sword here, neither party is right. Activision shouldn't use their size and money to bully people, and the guy involved shouldn't be stealing. Ultimately he takes responsibility for whatever comes down on him.

I don't think there's much hope of a victory here, but I totally support this guy and I hope EA at least is made to stand up in court and account for itself.

@Anaralia: I get the feeling there may be quite a few of us :P