This is downright sinister. I support PEGI over the BBFC, but this just makes them look like a bunch of control freaks
This is downright sinister. I support PEGI over the BBFC, but this just makes them look like a bunch of control freaks
Dear God, please make it stop!
The modders will find a back-door. Happened before, will happen again, especially since a lot of them already know how to manipulate the Oblivion engine.
Sitting here across the sea, it's kinda scary to watch an election that we can't change but will affect us hugely. I propose they play Deus Ex, just because I'd like to think the US Government is really run by conspiracy theorists and the Iluminati :P
What's the betting this was rebooted and is development in another internal studio? I can't see Microsoft giving up if they were willing to commit once.
Oh dear Crecente, won't you think of the children? :)
Oh dear, severe failure of communication here.
Cannot wait. Now the only question is PC or 360?
@Dragonzigg: Jesus, you can't even comment properly loser :s
@teamr: @
Excellent. Valve fly the flag for independent studios, and I'm glad they're staying that way.
I can see this happening, and I don't think it would be a bad move for Valve, but I'd prefer to see them stay independent. Also, I'm sure this isn't happening that soon, more news would have leaked if it had.
Great article Mike, a really interesting discussion of the way people see the big three consoles. It'd be interesting to see this repeated in other regions, or as you suggested in a year, and see how the graph changes.
Surprises, no. But I think there'll be some exciting stuff nevertheless.
If Bioware can't redeem Sonic, then he's beyond saving.
Spore mostly. I'm super stoked for it. Giving the consoles a rest for a bit, so it's Team Fortress 2 and Crysis to round out the week
I'd definitely go for a Kotaku podcast, although it'd be difficult to pick a cast from all of the contributors. I'd probably go for Brain, Bash, Mike Fahey and Owen. But I'd be happpy with anybody :)
That's internet spoofery down to a fine art. Sir/Madam, I applaud you.
uh-huh. Sure guys, whatever you say.