
He supports “free speech” in the sense that he thinks that college campuses shouldn’t restrict hate speech:

He clearly went out of his way to try and ruin her job. I work at North Carolina State University. Recently, there was a violent movie playing on on of the televisions in the gym, probably because they had turned to that channel earlier and just left it there (which is similar to using a Spotify playlist). I asked the

I honestly think that they met Michael Cohen, realized how sleazy and corrup he is, realized that actually engaging him on anything would probably end up with them involved in something illegal, and they just decided to write off that $1,000,000 as a lesson learned.

Your clarification is helpful. I agree with you but not after reading your first comment by itself.

The way Monica Lewinsky has been treated shows a huge double standard. Bill Clinton is probably a rapist (based on accusations of other women); I haven’t heard anything like that about Monica Lewinsky.

I don’t know if you were trying to go for sexual imagery in the headline, but please know that I am now thoroughly grossed out.

Rihanna did show up as a sexy pope so I feel like that is in the spirit of what you are asking for.

I think the entire thing will be culturally insensitive. I’m not super fussed by that, since the Catholic Church kind of has it coming, but I predict lots of ridiculous, super-sexual nun-wear.

I was surprised at how few online articles decided to make fun of the punk theme. I literally cannot think of anything less punk than going to a high fashion show filled with rich people and celebrities at the Met. But somehow, very few people commented on the absurdity of it all.

Where did you get that 26% number? I don’t know what percentage of voters in WV are black but 92% of West Virginians self-identify as white, not Hispanic, according to the Census: https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/WV

There are also relatives of victims who show up at all his events and protest. Blankenship has put out statements officially blaming Black Lives Matter for the white as fuck protesters.

Yeah, for purely doing emails, Blackberries were better than iphones and the other smart phones that followed. That said, I love having a smart phone that does all that other stuff.

I am glad that porn like this exists but I have no desire to actually watch it. Especially the scene you describe with the ending. Ugh. Gross.

Blackberries were widely used in DC long after they disappeared everywhere else. Blackberry made special phones that met certain security requirements and were widely used in the federal government.

I wouldn’t hope for a secret kid for Trump (especially not a biracial child), because that kid would probably end up with all kinds of issues and I wouldn’t hope for that for anyone. Best case scenario in the event this is true: child never interacted with his father once. I DO however really want to learn about

I used to live in Maryland and I spent a lot of volunteer time working to pass marriage equality into state law. Barack and Michelle Obama came forward as supporting gay marriage during that campaign and allowed activitists to use their voices and images in campaign materials. I don’t know what is in his heart nor do

I’m not Hillary Clinton’s biggest fan but I think this is kind of unfair. I’m pretty sure she (or a staffperson who focuses on social media) wrote her description on Twitter to straddle that unfair line that we make all women leaders straddle, where they simultaneously seem tough yet nurturing, feminine but not too

“According to 11Alive, Law enforcement officials in the area said they didn’t break up the Nazi afterparty because they didn’t receive calls or complaints from anyone in the area.”

That wasn’t my husband’s experience, but perhaps it was different in the store he worked at than the one you were working in. Or maybe it has changed since he worked there.

My husband used to work at Starbucks and he felt that a lot of the “progressive values” that they espouse (giving benefits, living wage, etc.) didn’t live up to the hype because they intentionally wouldn’t give employees enough hours for them to actually make a living or qualify for benefits. I mean, I guess I could