
Yeah. I used to be a teacher and therefore have been fingerprinted for that reason (background check). I have had Canadian border control pull me aside and question whether I have ever been arrested and really question me when I said “no.” And I’m white. I assume that they are less likely to (eventually) believe the

The VA has had some mismanagement issues going back for a while and most vets I know support some kind of reform regarding its administration. However, that does not mean that privatization is a good idea because that will probably mean vets getting even fewer benefits as the private companies running it look to cut

I would have more respect for the NRA if the stood up for the rights of black people who are legal gun owners who are shot by police. I’m not saying I would support them or join as a member or anything, but I would have some level of respect for them. But they don’t, as the Philando Castile case clearly showed.

I was agreeing with everyone who was making fun of Killer Mike. I probably worded it poorly.

I’m glad to hear that he is as nice in person as he seems. So many celebrities are disappointments that way. Also, implying to a man married to a woman that he is gay is just rude. I’m queer and I don’t like it when straight people overreact to any insinuation that they might not be straight, but folks also shouldn’t

In Wakanda they also have an imaginary metal that defies the laws of physics. And glowing purple flowers that would give you visions of your dead loved ones and super strength. The movie was fictional. Intended to provoke us to think about the society we live? Absolutely. Intended to be taken literally? No.

Any writers for The Root reading this: if there is news in the future that is going to involve a dick pic of the president, make sure to put a trigger warning up front.

Oh no, I think they are spot on.

Or a fucking “lovesick teen” right after they shoot up a school in order to kill their ex-girlfriend.

Ice cream is amazing. I’m about to eat some mint chocolate chip and chocolate chocolate chip right now. I have no idea what Kellyanne was talking about though.

I don’t know what percentage of Hispanics in Hazelton are U.S. born or not but immigrants are statistically less likely to commit crimes than U.S. citizens of the same socio-economic class. One of the reasons I have heard for this is that they are worried that they will be deported if they commit a crime and not be

Having read all the replies on this, my takeaway on the paying for dates question is this: we all seem to bring a ton of assumptions into that. Those assumptions obviously aren’t all the same. This means that there are definitely people who are making assumptions about intentions that are off-base. Oh well. I guess if

No one has ever teased me about it. On rare occasions, men have made rude comments to me that implied that my husband was less of a man. I shut that shit down. But that almost never happens. If people are disapproving, they keep it to themselves.

I’m bisexual so the following only applies when I was dating guys: when I was dating, I always offered to split bills but didn’t make a big deal if the guy offered to pay. I don’t like to feel like there is any kind of “obligation” or “debt.” If I don’t want a second date, I want to walk away and not feel like I owe

Dolphins are like humans in that they can be very cute but also seriously sick bastards.

One hopes it is positive. But I think a lot of these companies will cynically sell a positive message to one market about the beauty of dark skin and sell skin lightening cream to another market. I hope I’m wrong though.

Up until 2016, Cover Girl was owned by Proctor and Gamble, which also sells skin lightening creams in many countries. Cover Girl is now owned by Coty, Inc. My quick Internet search didn’t answer the question as to whether Coty, Inc. sells skin-lightening creams. I am generally very cynical about this type of

“Plus, do you know the quantity of evil that must reside in a man’s heart to causally double-slur a woman to her face? I mean ... damn Burt! Despite his disputes with Obama, Omarosa and Oprah (wait, I’m beginning to sense a pattern here), even Trump hasn’t used the full n-word...

Vibrators are great, for both single people and couples.

I liked Blade Runner but it didn’t handle race well. By which I mean that it intentionally tried to avoid the topic, even though the overarching topic was about the commodification of human bodies and slavery. I think the directors were concerned that they wouldn’t handle the topic well and would be criticized for it