Did you like Interview with a Vampire? I would definitely put that in the category of okay but not great.
Did you like Interview with a Vampire? I would definitely put that in the category of okay but not great.
In the late 1800s, the Cleveland baseball team was called the Cleveland Spiders. I think they should go back to that. They can claim it as “honoring history,” it isn’t offensive to any ethnic groups, and I think you could design a great logo and mascot for the team.
I’m from Cleveland. I put this in the exact same category as white folks who claim a small percentage of Native American heritage and use that as justification for supporting Chief Wahoo as a mascot.
I really like your Wonder Woman dress!
So is Donald Trump’s reverse raccoon look now a thing that other racist white people are copying? Also, her eyes look like they are being attacked by spiders.
Donald Trump doesn’t even pretend to give a damn about consistency. If he even recognizes his own inconsistencies for what they are.
I’m glad no one has been hurt and I hope that trend continues. Which is also my internal justification for not feeling guilty about the next statement: I want to watch the movie based off this woman’s story.
The improvement in unemployment numbers began under Obama, not Trump.
I’ve dated men on the autism spectrum and while they struggled with reading cues into social situations, that did not mean that they were incapable of understanding or seeking out consent. If anything, because they struggled with social cues, they were more diligent about verbally asking for consent and more closely…
At most marches like this that I attend, there are a lot of folks from different groups marching in solidarity. It isn’t unusual to see environmentalists mixed in. I don’t see why you couldn’t march with a sign that uses the blue wave as both a political and environmental metaphor. Just be careful and check your…
I’m so sorry that this happened to you.
I have dated men who were sexually abused as teenagers and it is a very real problem. And I think that toxic masculinity makes the problem worse because many male victims don’t want to admit that they are victims because that can be viewed as somehow demeaning their masculinity. Good article, BTW. I agreed with all…
Honestly, I think that having upfront communication about boundaries and expectations is all that is needed. If you have so little trust in someone that you think they might be trying to run some kind of scam on you, you should reconsider whether this is a person you want to sleep with.
Trump also has a history of hitting on his friends’ women though. (or maybe I should say “friends”...)
Melania doesn’t care who Trump fucks, as long as it isn’t her.
I am pretty sure that on federal property, the rules are different. I know that in many federal jobs, you aren’t allowed to have any form of cell phone for reasons of secrecy. I’m surprised the Trump White House was so lax (actually, that is a lie. I’m not surprised at all. But it does show their incompetance.)
In Union Station I once saw a blind man with a cane near the platform (where there is a big gap and a steep fall) and for some reason my instincts kicked in and a grabbed his arm and told him to stop because there was a big gap. He was annoyed because he knew where the gap was and I had just grabbed him. I felt like…
I volunteered for Doug Jones. In a conversation I had with a local Democratic donor he expressed a lot of frustration at how the DNC didn’t support the campaign until very late. I told him he should give to the state party instead of the DNC, which is my advice to all Democratic donors in red or purple states. It is…
It didn’t feel padded or full of bs like the Hobbit.
Seriously. I spent the last few minutes of 2017 at a party drunkenly arguing with an alt-right asshole about whether white genocide is a real thing. His defense about how white people are victimised is that articles like “Annoying Things White People Do” can be spread around and laughed at but a similar article about…