
I think I agree with Jeff Gerstmann when he says that the games that you’re thinking about may no longer belong on Steam as the market landscape changes. As Valve seeks to identify what part of the market it caters to, it maybe time for the small, experimental game makers that you’re talking about go to other venues

The GBA games are better than those two, though. You should just move straight to them now

Interesting, I didn’t know I could disagree so thoroughly with a single person! I’ve played every main Final Fantasy from 1 through 15 (excepting 13, could not make myself like it) and this is without a doubt my second favorite. I view it as a towering achievement and a game that confidently rises above its flaws (and

I currently work for GameStop. Yes, COL is a huge part of our business. However, if someone wants a new game, I’m gonna give it to then. Some customers prefer to purchase preowned so they can utilize the 7 day “Like it” guarantee. Why not have the extra security, if the game sucks, return it for full money back? I

Man, you all are nuts.

More people would be voting for Ross but it would delete all challenge from the game

It’s like you people never played a FE game before the 3DS. Hector, Roy, Lyn, Ephraim, and Eirka were all better characters. And they had nicer looking art.