
Same here. She constantly asks herself (and thus, by extension, the audience)“am I making my father proud?” The problem is, we have literally no idea whether she would or not, since we’ve never seen or even heard the two of them speaking together in the entire series. Sure, he leaves recordings for her, but have they

I was totally ready to get mad and be like “what are you talking about, Laura is totally cool, what’s wrong with you!?!”

Ummm... where is Neir?

In all honesty, how happy must this guy be to finally be done after 15 years? Now he can draw whatever he very well pleases, without being shackled down by his series. As an artist, that’s gotta feel amazing.

Umm.... don’t get to excited. If you look closely, you’ll notice that the “comparison” is cut in such a way that the japanese lines are always delivered during action, while the english ones are always delivered during pauses between action. Also the background music has been heavily altered. During the japanese

I know, I don’t want to be that person. But I’ve seen framerate slowdowns on the vita (Borderlands 2, Suikoden 2 boss fights, etc.) so I know what they look like. I’m just saying, I haven’t had this happen at all.

That’s bizarre... I definitely didn’t have any problems around school, festival or not. Did you have any other programs open? Or were you playing on the vita slim? I’ve heard the slim has some slowdown issues.

Hey Jason, great review! I do have one issue though. While I agree with most of what you said, I have no idea what you’re talking about with the framerate dropping.

Well, she has my vote. I don’t even care about her policies, that’s some amazing work right there.

So, Capcom basically looked at PT and was like, “Well, if Konami doesn’t want all these people’s money, we’ll be happy to take it! Plus, people may finally stop whining about our games not being scary!”