
I found her CDL Instructor.....

“not what they were expecting." You have just shown me my secret "inner Biker." You folks are the nicest anti-authoritarians in the world. Keep riding (and show us those hands)!

They don’t hover? What?!?!? Really? No way! I can’t believe it! Anyway, I need to go now and put on my panama hat, get on my caterpillar tractor parked in the driveway, and read about global warming. Later a neighbor is coming over to play chinese checkers, eat king crab, and discuss how koala bears are the cutest of

I prefer to call them: no-talent-sideways-skateboards for chucklefucks.

This is why Texas needs to legalize weed. There are a number of things I need to prove are possible to do while high.

The big difference is that skateboards are cool....

yes, that’s also true, it’s just that the term year is inherently subjective and necessarily different by definition from planet to planet where as a measure of distance, though also arbitrary doesn’t isn’t necessarily different from planet to planet.

Also, isn’t that a photo of Gerard Depardieu?

Hope this helps a littleL

“that it didn’t go to the contest[ant] with biggest tits or criteria like that”.

*small voice* I have the same issue with the song “Brown Sugar” by the Stones. Why does it have to be so fucking catchy when it’s so racist, misogynistic, and hateful?

Hear me out before you start getting the stake ready.

I saw an interview with him where he was asked what makes him different from other children authors. He said he likes kids. I’ve discovered a lot of children authors don’t like kids so it’s great to find an author who does.

no one gives a s**t until someone gives a s**t

I’m sorry that your world is crashing down. At least you can still be racist on the Internet and in the comfort of your own mind.

“no one gives a s**t until someone gives a s**t”

Applebee’s-the restaurant version of the frozen tv dinner.

Please don’t.

Quote from my ultra conservative father in law and the most intelligent thing I’ve seen on this wave of terrorism.