
Women, if you meet this costume on you way and dont mock this costume without mercy, I will think less of you, of course not as much as the ones wearing it, stilllll

I see what you did there....

Egging on the guy to shoot the other guy in the head.

Hey man, don’t put how shitty Dallas is on the rest of Texas. They’re basically a part of Oklahoma

Her husband is the real MVP. So glad he didn’t just turn a blind eye to the reports and cooperated so she could be caught.

Interesting experiment and conspiracy fuel for the chemtrail crowd.

I think there is more history in here in this article than anything that’s been on the “History Channel” in the past 15 years combined. In short: Good article, I love history. Bravo sir. Keep up with more articles like this one!

That’s why they have forensic science bud, which is science based on facts, measurements, temperatures, wounds, and any other form of information that humans can not influence, not some opinion you can discount because you want to.

It’s not so much the execution drug that’s expensive, it’s the years and years of sitting on death row (expensive) while multiple appeals (expensive) take place. I believe death row inmates have a longer life expectancy than people in for life.

Excellent. I hope he always makes you proud ;)

Further proving this was never about her religious beliefs if she is altering forms that other people have signed. She hates gay people, period.

The lack of seriousness is the entire reason the ratings are so high.

“One play after the umpire was struck, a personal foul was called on Moreno for hitting the Marble Falls quarterback, who had taken a knee to run out the clock. Moreno was assessed a 15-yard penalty but was not ejected.”

I like your style.

1) Use the coupons for the hottest salsa you can get.

Draw me like one of your French girls.

Goddamit Kim, now Jesus has to pick up the slack since there’s one less person in the office. He’s definitely not going to be able to slide out early the Friday before a 3 day weekend.

It says that when glacial ice melts, the seas rise. We are busy melting Antarctica and Greenland. The seas will rise. But you appear to suffer from a flaw in reasoning, in which you think that because the climate can change for reasons that have nothing to do with humans, that human activity therefore cannot cause

"Cramblett goes on to say that she doesn't know much about black people and it's a lot to learn; in addition, her small Ohio home of Uniontown is "too racially intolerant."

This story depresses me beyond words. So instead, I'm going to focus on these adorable babies.