
Goddamit Kim, now Jesus has to pick up the slack since there’s one less person in the office. He’s definitely not going to be able to slide out early the Friday before a 3 day weekend.

Since this happened in Philly, contained a shocking twist, and was kind of meandering and boring, I’m going to assume it’s the latest film from M. Night Shyamalan.

I see so many people do questionable things using their work email addresses. You do know that getting a new email address for dumb stuff takes 10 seconds? I have a Hotmail email address that I use for any promotional or otherwise useless stuff (you’re at an event and they want you to give your contact information

Yeah, if you don’t have the good sense to sign up with a burner email, you have whatever flack is coming for you. Internet better, dummies.

Mmmm... never been to 8chan and I’m not sure I should start now. I’ll just wait and see if someone goes and reports back.

The chances of this being the case are actually relatively high, given that Washington D.C. has the highest rate of membership of any city (and correspondingly, the hack released over 15,000 .gov or .mil email addresses).

I disagree. It has a place and they’re all not bad. I just think they should be private clubs, off-campus, with limited or no access to university assets.

Universities should just not support these institutions and should limit their ability to throw parties on school property.

Then we couldn’t draw paralels between rich finance douches in New York and... I don’t know...some drug lord’s goons.

Just once I’d like to see one of these pieces done on a different group of sociopathic shitheads.

Said before, say it again. The Coast guard is the only service that really pulls its own weight and gets value for tax dollars. It is criminal it gets so overlooked.

It’s safe to assume this never would’ve happened with a player from Anglo State.

At least his apology owns up to exactly what he did. None of the “If anyone was offended” or “To anyone I may have hurt...”

This may be really terrible to admit - but I think its less about wanting to protect his image in their minds as it is actively believing that women who accuse men of sexual assault are liars, sluts, and manipulators who deserve everything they got/get. In the venn diagram of people who are defending Cosby and also

Eh, I don’t think it’s any personal feelings for Bill Cosby. It’s feelings against women in general, and against a climate where women’s voices are taken seriously.

Who goes out on a first date in a big forest alone? That screams “YOU WILL BE MURDERED” to me.

"Cramblett goes on to say that she doesn't know much about black people and it's a lot to learn; in addition, her small Ohio home of Uniontown is "too racially intolerant."

This story depresses me beyond words. So instead, I'm going to focus on these adorable babies.