
However, I will not use ANYTHING inside my house that can be controlled by a smartphone app or wifi—if YOU can access it, so can anyone else with wifi. The Internet of Things is really an invitation into your home—to everyone.

I’m an analog man in a digital world.

A, perhaps, better question for many: If your true love asked, would you STOP fucking goats?

No! Goats cannot consent to Jesus Christ!

Nnnnaaaaaah... ;)

I support Bernie Sanders, because of policy and history. I do NOT support Sanders supporters, or any supporters of anyone, telling anyone else to vote, for any other reasons. Gender as an issue should be reflected in policies, not personally. If Bernie and Hillary switched positions, politically, Hillary would get my


That is truly heartbreaking. I have seen too many people ‘hang on’, against their will. My wife and I have living wills that express, concretely, what is to be one once we are not personally able to make decisions. They are based on rational thinking, and compassion for ourselves, and our loved ones, and EVERYONE who

Good for her. My aunt was given 4-5 months to live, unless she went on chemo which would—possibly—have extended her life for another year. But, the entire time would be spent in chemo, and mostly in a hospital. She told her oncologist ‘No, thanks. I’m going camping.’ And she did. And was happy. RIP Aunt Jean!

As the father of a 12-year-old, and as someone who grew up in the late 70s, this has long been a head-scratcher for me. While I do have strong opinions on coercion and rape culture (negative, btw), I find the only metric that rings true, for me, is ‘I know it when I see it’, which, admittedly, is unreasonable or, at

“In fact,” he continued, “I don’t think I’ll come across one o’ those darker fellers whose lives seem to matter so much to folks on the tweetbooks, neither. I hope I don’t, anyways, at least not before I gets to preventin’ ‘em from eating lunch with normal white ‘mericans. Cuz that might be weird.”

I’m not a gamer, but my son is. For all the concern I have for online trolling, and general awfulness out there, this IS heartening. Thanks for spreading a little class and humanity. I think I will now buy this game for him.

As clever as the sketch was, it made me angry and sad. I’m really sick of the fact that this is still an issue well into the 21st century. And while comedy like this surely lampoons much of white America’s extant racial hatred, it is appropriate to merely lampoon it, anymore. We (the USA) are NOT post-racial, we are

The real biggest difference: VT has arable land, NH has granite.

Short answer: NO.

Even Eli knows his brother’s a dick.

Because he was a DIVA?!?! A first-vote rejection, fine. But if TO doesn’t make it in, it reflects poorly on the HoF, and the NFL. He played their game—better than most.

Exactly. New York isn’t Hillary’s ‘back yard’—it’s her whole fucking house.

Seems I a bit older than most of the commenters, here. I saw it when I was 13, with a group of friends—the day we got our final report cards from grammar school. It was one hell of an afternoon. We got ALL the subtext, and, probably, it was the first time for all of us seeing a movie with such adult themes without our

So the kid’s fast, huh? Can he outrun a FUCKING BULLET? If he did it, there is not a single punishment that is too horrible for him.

I think you left out poison, as in poison ivy.