
Yeaaahhh...it’s a great episode, but I don’t really buy that the Midnight Train to Georgia number was intended to be some metatextual pre-strike sendoff. In fact, I think it’s funnier as a completely random bit with no additional significance.

Were you going for the irony of writing for the New AV Club, having replaced the old, far better writers?

I notice they missed Leap Day 2008 because of the writers strike, so I wonder if their Leap Day 2012 episode was something they’d planned for 2008.

Greene. Boebert was the one with the rumor that she worked as an escort.

Jayson was drinking beer and cleaning his gun when being served.”

Was it Boebert or Greene who was banging everyone at their gym? In the most Christian way possible of course.

That was Marj, whose husband recently filed for divorce from her.

That was Marge.

Wasn’t so long ago that she would have been kicked out of her church for getting divorced.

Ok groomer.

How dare you try to present people with facts!

Considering certain people have taken to throwing around the word “groomer” as an insult, I thought I’d point out that this is actually what grooming looks like. Grooming is not something that happens to child watching a dude in drag read a book for a few minutes. It’s persistent, it’s intimate, and it’s usually coerce

im so glad this artical got greenlit


Between this and the Flash movie, Keaton’s just going to cash in doing sequels to all his 80s roles. Personally, I’m holding out for Mr. Grandma.

I’ve been opposed to this ever since Burton started using CGI instead of Henry Sellick. If he were to get Sellick on board with this, I could get pretty excited for it.
That being said, I know, damn well, that I will be purchasing a ticket to this movie, no matter how good or bad the reports and trailers are. 

In the clip they showed at NYCC, she mentioned needing a room to do pantless yoga. So, on the right track!

Here is hoping they include Janice’s weird thing about constantly being the last person talking when they all speak at once and winding up wildly off tangent talking about nudism for some reason.

That ABC show was underrated. It wasn’t great at the beginning, sure, but it found its way eventually-- just in time for cancellation.

Uncle Deadly was kind of a nothing character until they basically reinvented him in the ABC sitcom. Why can’t this show deepen and expand on the Mayhem and flesh them out?