
Frankly, the same could be said for whoever was bothered by the original art - it’s a weird way to think.

That’s kind of what annoys me about this. i haven’t played it many years, but it was always billed as sort of an ecchi fighting game if I recall. It was a key part of the kickstarter campaign. So taking out the pervy stuff (even if it’s minor changes) does seem like a bit of betrayal in that regard. It’s like if

Not the Polygon quote I’d have picked, when they also wrote:

The WGA has said anyone who scab-writes during the strike will never be allowed into the union, and several other unions have all refused to work because they don’t cross picket lines, like the teamsters. Also public opinion is *heavily* on the side of the writers in this.

The studios might want to hire a bunch of

Yes, in fact, they do. They make that much despite making *NO* contribution to what the studio produces.

Putting the consoles in a box is one thing.

If this was gen 8 I’d say yes, but Gen 9 is such a buggy (though fun) mess that anything could be causing it.

This happened to none of my very large group of pokefriends. None of us hack so maybe that is the reason. I hope it is something simple like that

I wonder if this will be an instance of a bug that only affects hackers or the like, or whether it’s just a case of GameFreak dropping the ball hard. Neither would surprise me at this point.

I chose Larry too. They so trolled us so hard.  They knew 1/8 of people would end up thinking the game worked totally differently than it does XD I hate it and its awesome.

Jesus H. Christ. You’d think you’d never played an RPG before! The game boots you from the room if you don’t answer correctly? Oh, the humanity!

I dunno, I kinda liked it. They bill the Champion rank as this prestigious honor, but nothing’s stopping literally anyone in the school from claiming the rank. You meet multiple strong opponents through the game who aren’t even on the gym badge hunt, so it tracks that there would be something setting you apart from the

You mean the Pokemon game in which your character is a student, allows you to attend classes (including answering questions and taking “tests”), and has your rival ask you multiple times through the game what your priorities are includes another question before the end?? How dare they!

It’s not a huge deal really. You’re just sent back to the entrance and you can try again as many times as you like.

Alan Moore is rolling in his coffin.

GameFreak hasn’t balanced moves and abilities for singles in years, ever since the official competitive format was changed to doubles. In 4x4 doubles this will never exceed 200 base power, which is high, but certainly not broken. It’s also a single target move, so if the opponent has two Pokemon on the field you can’t

I saw that move and messaged friends about it lol. For what it’s worth it’ll probably be allowed in doubles, I’m guessing? usually they’re 4v4 anyway so at the absolute worst it’ll be a 200 BP move on a pokemon with almost nothing else going for it.

That said it’s primary ability is sand rush so it’ll probably be

Not even that. Clueless executive gets forwarded article headline reading “indie horror game set in IKEA” and takes it at face value, sic’ing lawyers on them. Lawyers then look at handful of screenshots to identify anything that overlaps with IKEA brand to point out, as little as “you have signs” and “your floor is

Bored lawyer, desperate for work, invents stupid claim to bully a small business owner.  Film at 11.

lmao thank you, i thought it was clear this article is mostly a shitpost (rly hoping no one takes my invoking columbus seriously) but i could always use more money to deal w disgruntled gamers, so if the media gods are listening.....!