If they are unwilling to do that they could potentially give him a car worth $10,000 and it would also be satisfactory. Perhaps a certain 2016 Mazda CX-5.
If they are unwilling to do that they could potentially give him a car worth $10,000 and it would also be satisfactory. Perhaps a certain 2016 Mazda CX-5.
personal opinions is one thing, donating to politicians that actively target minorities and make their lives significantly worse is quite another.
Maybe it means this?
Why would someone buy a box set when they could see it on CR?
You are definitely in the minority if you honestly think “Claudia Gray writes some of the best Star Wars novels.” Her books are fine, but no where near the upper echelon of Star Wars novels. Shes definitely no Zahn or Luceno.
...of course I believe in Fair Use...
You don't need permission to do reviews bro
No, if you listen to other lyrics in the song, she sings about how he beat Dragon’s Lair with only one quarter, never uses GameFAQs when playing Dark Souls, and likes to upload no damage playthroughs on Youtube.
This kind of statement easily makes me protest a game company for a whole generation. Luckily my favorite favorite companies are much more humble than all this Nintendo, Actizzard, Sony and Take Two stuff happening... man, even Sony /sad
Is the problem is only “aerosol spray deodorants and antiperspirants,” maybe don’t use a header image that’s exclusively the rub-on stick kind.
A small device is affixed under each player’s shirt that “pops,” making a hole in the shirt and oozing out a brownish liquid.
So many people are upset that the Serie S is turning out to be a winning formula. It's honestly pretty funny. It's going to be very interesting to watch its sales numbers over the next few years.
Why do you guys get so mad about the Series S
More over it’s pretty heavily borrowed/riffed off of the Hard Boiled style in American Noir and crime fiction. Something Cyberpunk in general and the table top game Cyberpunk 2020 they’re adapting were both heavily influenced by.
If you’re going to single out “corpo” as “bad writing”, you can’t really take that up with the game - that’s slang that exists in this fictional world for many years prior to this game. It’s major terminology in the lore. Should probably understand more context before criticizing - or digging such a giant hole with…
One example that really stuck out was “corpo”. We already have “corp” as an informal shortening of corporation. In 50 some odd years, why would we move over to a 2 syllable slang, when a 1 syllable slang already exists,
I know people that actually talk like that, so why is that a problem? TO make it makes the language more realistic.
All it took was not expecting even half of the insane promises made by the marketing team for me to enjoy this game for what it was.