
Quick resume has nothing to do with power, nor would the team responsible for building it be the same type of engineers who would be focused on development tools. Product development is not an amorphous blob of human effort that can be routed anywhere at any time, nor is it a rigid process wherein working on one thing

I haven’t played Avengers, but I’m feeling that attitude more and more as I get older and have less and less time for games. I love when a game take 20 hours or less to complete. It’s like, awesome, I can enjoy this and then move on to something else. There are way too many good games to play these days.

I haven’t played Avengers, but I’m feeling that attitude more and more as I get older and have less and less time

It’s on sale on Steam for $30.  Can’t speak to the value but just letting you know.

It’s on sale on Steam for $30.  Can’t speak to the value but just letting you know.

For a lot of people (myself included) Witcher 3 was the best game of the last decade.  I’d imagine a lot of people are hoping for the same from CP2077

That sucks, I know a lot of people were hoping Easy Mode was hidden back there.

The best way to combat scalpers is to wait until you can walk into a store and buy one.

The best way to combat scalpers is to wait until you can walk into a store and buy one.

One of the unexpected consequences of Trump is now so many people talk like him without realizing it.

Dolly is too classy to say, “What the fuck is it to you and why the fuck do you think you have the right to ask that?”

I never found that response to work very well. For many people, telling them you don’t want kids is like telling them you don’t want oxygen...they are unable to imagine someone not wanting something that, to them, everyone should want. As far as they are concerned, children are a basic necessity of life and saying you

You missed “spend all day reseting the Walmart purchase page” as a tip. 

Glad they kept the power shaming from the PS4 lol It always felt so condescending when I’d boot up the console again from when the power would go out. 

Gotcha. While there’s definitely work involved in porting from UE3 to UE4, my understanding is it’s a lot more straightforward than porting between entirely different engines, such as Unity to UE or UE to Frostbite or whatever.

“Those little kids should grow a pair."

Uh little kids? This is not out of left field. 

Sounds like you’re the fragile one here.

I’ve never owned an Xbox (and don’t particularly have an interest in getting one now), but it seems like MS is outdoing Sony on most fronts. It’s almost the inverse of the XB0/PS4: this time Sony is pushing features no one was asking for (and require buy-in from developers), while Microsoft is focusing on the basics.

As someone a bit less in the know, I’ve been reading “Going gold means no delays!” headlines for the last month or so, and was equally confused. About the going gold part, not the reason for the delays; I did read, sinner.

I mean, yes, but I don’t think “Global Pandemic” was also on a lot of game devs list of expectations for the year. I do agree with you with setting realistic goals but no one saw that one thing coming.

I mean, it does.  No one has ever claimed crunch wasn’t effective.  Just that it’s inhumane.  

I generally didn’t dare play many videogames when my mom was home lest I be seen being idle. My mother never failed to find something that I hadn’t done, or should be doing instead of wasting my time playing video games.