
I will say how much I LOVE that Hades has an easy mode for exactly this reason. I beat Returnal, but only after a lot of suffering, and to be honest, it wasn’t worth it to me, as a lot of my death was simply me being bad at controller shooters, and while I thought it was a great game, it would have been better had it

Like Returnal, we don’t need manual saves, we need save and quit. Just the ability to stop playing and go to bed, or go make dinner. 


This. Look, I like a cinematic, but it’s frustrating when the very clear implication is that it’s going to be gameplay footage. 

I’m not a big fan of roguelikes, but if you don’t think that balance and good level design isn’t EXTREMELY important then you are an idiot. 

So, in other words, he is in no way betraying his values and you have decided to project a series of values onto him. Socialism, apparently, in your eyes, is living according to a series of needs that you decide. Of course, you don’t need to live in poverty, but you must live within the prescribed values of random

Okay, this is easy: I used the phrase monastic life as a rhetorical flourish. You see, there is no set boundary for how nice a house can or cannot be when you say someone is a socialist. Socialism is not about a personal rejection of wealth, but is, rather, an economic system that sees to the general social good,

You’re welcome. It’s based upon a false premise: that socialists don’t/can’t believe in spending money freely given to them by individuals

How is it “a betrayal of his ideas” to live off of the proceeds of donations? It’s only a betrayal of people’s weird projections. 

Why do people seem to have such a difficult time understanding that advocating for systemic support of things that benefit everyone does not actually require someone to live a monastic life? Like...what?

I haven’t fired it up with the new patch, but playing on DX11 on gamepass yesterday, it was stuttery as hell, and I can’t imagine it being worse. I was getting 130fps as the base, with regular drops to 100fps in combat, and then semi-regular drops to like 50 fps when things would explode, and the ENTIRE time it felt

All PSUs convert the AC power at the wall to DC power for your components to use. AC power fluctuations would wreak havoc on GPU and CPU calculations. The device that they are using doesn’t GIVE the PSU DC power, it DRAWS the DC power at a continuous, controllable rate.

Because men have such a societal norm of strength, potency, dominance, etc. to uphold, when they can no longer sustain this fantasy, they lash out with violent responses against the people who they blame for their supposed emasculation. See: most spree shooters, serial rapists, etc, etc., etc. Because he couldn’t

What’s more limited that we’re finding out? That it doesn’t have a secret power boost it never claimed to have? That in the very first interview they clarify the battery life pretty clearly: 2-8 hours, depending. 4 hours on Portal 2, 5-6 with a 30fps cap? You can only play Breath of the Wild for like 3 hours on a

Yeah. I like it, but it doesn’t really compare to the campaign versus, which I hope is in the full game.

The Versus is a 4 v4 arena. The humans try to stay alive as long as possible. Then when they die, you switch teams (human to infected and vice versa) and the new humans try to beat the previous time. If you die before that, team a wins, if they make it 1 second longer, team b wins. Best 2 of 3. 

Do not spend $50 on a heatsink. It’s literally just metal that helps to dissipate heat away from the memory modules. There are no fans, there is no exotic technology. Hell, the EK heatsink is $12! EK is not a budget pc gear company. 

He says “It sounds like a buggy mess with some broken mechanics” and here is from the 2nd paragraph, and then for a NUMBER of paragraphs from the review:

Chill bro. No one is saying the game is a POS, or implying they want it to be. Rather, these are complaints about the framing of the review, which begins by saying it makes good on CP2077's promise, but then the game doesn’t (try to) do any of the things that game does, and then the review mentions a number of buggy

This is not needless. A company running with the name of a franchise, stripping literally everything that is identifiable about the franchise, and then heavily monetizing it with the hopes of tricking people out of their money isn’t just a different kind of game. Mobile games can be great! It’s fine to spend money on