
Have you played the Western variants? Things like Shadowrun: Hong Kong, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Invisible INC., and the like? They have very similar combat things, but tend to be less overwhelming in terms of the sheer weight of silly plot and overwhelming character choices (this is sometimes an improvement or a

Part of the conversation (now that I’m familiar with the doc) was about how they were worried about whether or not they should still launch on PS+, because they received a ton of great feedback from the beta, and they were building very good buzz, and they thought, what if we only make the PS+ money and end up giving

Luckily, it’s a fun enough little documentary.

Friend, masculinity does not exist except AS a construct of the patriarchy. Maleness is not masculinity. Maleness is a biological term (please, no one fight me about intersex, trans, etc.--I understand these are all real and existing and important, I’m making a quick point on Jezebel), but masculinity is entirely a

...they didn’t accidentally break the ToS. They specifically did it to provoke a court battle. 

So I actually just watched the whole documentary (you didn’t tag WHERE this info was), and I can very safely say that at no point do they ever say that they were nearly bankrupt. Instead, they were very worried that, because they had built the servers for a much smaller audience, and they had such huge numbers, that

Yup. And while the first game goes really hard on the story (even having cutscenes from Saren’s point of view ), the main plotline, while interesting, isn’t really the draw. We want a strong frame story, but the relationships are what really matters. The third game spends its time gathering up everyone you love

Looks wonderful!

Oh man! I would love to see that Junebug tattoo!

Just to jump on the bandwagon. I’ve had body issues my whole life, and while I never really like my body, I love my tattoos. They aren’t perfect, and they’ll never be, but they are art that I have chosen, and there is something so marvelous about taking that control. There are so many ways to own your body, from diet

You’re absolutely right, not only for the tone, but also SW2 is much more a “story” game. But it does make some headway into that realm, with really good multiplayer through it, the weapons and the skills. It’s something worth playing through with friends, and then playing through New Game+ with friends as well. I

I mean, yes, but also no. While Destiny is the biggest lootershooter, it’s also, you know, Bungie, and that drove a lot of the initial interest, letting it get so big. But that hasn’t squeezed out Warframe, The Division, or Remnent: From the Ashes. Borderlands, Shadow Warrior 2, and others also exist in this space

She did it on purpose, but not like, on purpose on purpose. She had run out of Got2B Glued Blasting Freeze Spray, which is specifically meant for this purpose, and there is also a hair product called Gorilla Snot Gel (same purpose). She grabbed Gorilla Glue. Whoops.

Thanks! It’s the Hylian Crest in the style of a Kwakiutl (PNW Native tribe) Thunderbird

btw, this is my last reply to this silly nonsense, so feel free to say what you need to, but I’m in LOVE with the fact that your rebuttal here was: Nu uh, you are.

Yes. That is the point. It WOULD be hysterical to say that the small amounts of force in a massage constitute a punch. Likewise, it would be hysterical to say that the 1mm that a tattoo needle penetrates constitutes a stab. Likewise, if someone scratched you so that it drew blood, it would be hysterical to say that

And in massage, they apply force to your body with their hand. You’re free to use a hysterical application of the definition, if you really want to, but it doesn’t make it reasonable.

While getting a tattoo or not is fine, comparing tattooing to paying someone to stab you is as logical an argument as saying that getting a massage is paying someone to punch you.

I mean, it’s more of a videogame and books tattoo, with some other stuff of importance to me, but...yeah.

...how much money do you think videogame companies keep on hand for patent lawsuits?