@Mark Wilson: Also, the only decentnPMP I know of is an iPod touch and maybe an Archos tablet.
@Mark Wilson: Also, the only decentnPMP I know of is an iPod touch and maybe an Archos tablet.
@RainyDayInterns: If I ever got a star, I would make a separate account and use my star status to approve it. Then you could reply to trolls without worrying about being destarred.
@kidCasey13: Classic Controller?
OK, I'm getting tired of people aking the same questions about RRoDs and RDoD and shit. I may be new to Xbox scene (I got my first and only 360 elite in March), but I know of only two Xboxes out of a test group of about 40 Xboxes (my class at school) that have failed. I have had no problems from mine since I bought it…
@Nass89: epic #trollpatrol
@Googlo: Case in point: the Japs. (No offense Japan, we all love you now)
@MarcusMaximus: It would be 16:9 (720p) so Apple would beat it with a 326ppi screen.
@D0GG: Yeah, but after this, it will go down agan until July 14th or whatever.
Shit! We got 100 shares of Apple stock in anticipation of good iPhone 4 pre-order sales. Now we are screwed...
@ddhboy: Why did you take the bait?
@Peter Shultz: Yeah, but bluetooth uses the 2.4ghz spectrum...same as most wifi.
@Quicksilver4648: Did you not read the article? Facetime is an open standard. It's like webkit. It's open source, bu Apple uses it in Safari and aids development.
@ntereycelogy: With OLED touch screens, a few years from now, the screen can actually change shape so you can still feel physical buttons, but it's actually a touch screen.
@Dreamwriter: No, Steve Jobs specifically said 12 inches, because that's apparently the average distance an iPhone user holds their phone from their face.
@Ben R: Yeah, I was watching the Discovery channel and they did exactly that. The problem: It takes a warehouse full of machinery. However, the scientists said in about 20 years, the tech might be miniaturized enough to be the size of a lightsaber.
I've been using EDGE here in good ol' Texas and it's working fine on my iPhone.
@FriarNurgle: Dude. Go snorkeling. People can't see you while you're underwater so you can stare at anything you want...including girls in bikinis.
@Mihos: Yes. They also boost my speed when few others are on. A lot of times, speedtest.net shows that I'm getting double what I pay for.
That picture of the submersible at the Mariana trench is freaking me out.