
#corrections ?: Doesn't 10.1 support hardware acceleration on certain Nvidia Macs?

@lostarchitect: Whoops. Meant to type 13 except my mind was wandering.

When Twinkies first came out, they only had three ingredients. This makes me sad.

You may make lightning, but I make lightning with LAZERS and DIAMONDS! MWAHAHAHAHA!

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If you wait 30 minutes without your eyes seeing any bright light during that period, something like "melatonin" goes in your eyes and gives you what seems to me like purple night vision. (I know, I've had to use this ability many times in too-close encounters with wild animals.)

@Avocadobride: What? Most people I know shorten it to "flash drive" or "thumb drive".

@#c24259326:Water is so wet so we can come up with ways to outsmart the wetness.

@DancingMan: It better be an iPhone 4 cause the accelerometer by itself has shitty accuracy so maybe the gyroscope would help.

1)Climbing back up must have hurt like hell.

@amcglamry: Forget that, I've dropped my iPod touch from a second story window screen first, and when I picked it up it didn't even have a scratch on it.

What about iPhone and iPod Touch? Not everyone can give up $500 for something as useless as an iPad. (I have a laptop and an iPhone, so an iPad is useless to me) Maybe put it in a usable Gameboy case and use the Gameboy buttons in games?

What the hell is holding the chair up? Maglev? It looks like it's just floating above the cactus.

@justinpe: It is called a browser, but it has no rendering engine. Even Apple does not consider it a full browser, or it would not be allowed on the App Store. Only "browsers" using Safari's Webkit engine are allowed.

@justinpe: Cloud Browse: still uses Safari's engine, so it's more of an extension

@justinpe: On Macs I'd wager 90% of users use Safari. Oh, not to mention 100% of iOS users are only allowed to use Safari.

Maybe after the new iPhone 4 actually releases we will see the Apple stock go up.

It sucks that we bought Apple shares after the iPad high, so it went up then came down. Right now we have made about $5 a share. I'm really hoping that it beats the new iPhone curse so we can afford a new iPhone and a new iPod Touch.

This actually helps a lot as I'm trying to scan thousands of old print photos. Could anyone recommend some fast photo scanner? My multipurpose is slow as molasses when scanning, so I will never be able to scan all of our photos. I'm considering the Neat Scanner or something similar, but I don't know the quality. Any