
This sounds too much like too-easy dumb internet lifehack advice. There’s no need to dunk your kid until they’re ready to do in on their own in swim lessons.

That’s a very cute and fat baby.

If you’ve never been in a situation that made you deeply uncomfortable, where you stated your desire to leave but were met with strong social pressure to stay, then I truly envy you.

Bypassing a Patreon pay wall to redistribute commercial content for free without permission is a violation of just about every copyright law that has ever existed.

I like how when taxes are cut for the rich and we criticize it, we all get yelled at about how “it’s not a zero-sum game!!”

My first thought would be to simply leave. I don’t know what the situation was, though. Maybe threats of violence if participation didn’t occur?

I’m clearly an awful person because I can’t understand how one can be coerced into joining an orgy, or have a feeling that you HAVE to join.

Ohh, just fuck alla you old twat-bros who are STILL trying to shush women instead of listening to them and answering their fucking questions.

Hold on there sonnyjim! Please show me a collection of your best comments before you’re allowed to criticize other comments. They’ll have to be top-notch I’m afraid.

His favorite position is holding hands.

Because these people are so bad at protesting, I’m gonna assume that you guys are gonnna get mad page views today and maybe for a while.

“a man who murders innocent civilians”

I’m more interested what he thinks about the cops that worship the Punisher and put his logo on their cop cars. That’s the most horrifying one for me.

can I use...

I really think that if you take his four specials from the past year and take, just, a brutal edit to them, you leave with the best comedy special ever made. That said, Dave clearly doesn’t do that anymore. The Bird Revelation is BARELY a standup special. It mostly comes off as the extended ramblings of a bitter and

I didn’t do it for views. I get views. I did it because I thought I could make a positive ripple on the internet.

This video had like 600k likes before it was taken down. This will barely affect him unless Youtube actually gets off its ass and does something.

In an earlier scene, he bends his head all the way down to his wrist and tries to chew the restraints off. The whole point of that was just to demonstrate that he could in fact reach his ears with his fingers.

Someone on a forum I go to pointed out how Rose’s defense of Chris to the cop in the beginning was a clue that something wasn’t right due to her not wanting the cops to have a record that Chris was out there since.... well.. you know.