My family didn’t go to the movies a lot when I was growing up/a teenager. We wanted to till everything came to the video store (Video Library, Hollywood Video, my dad hated Blockbuster). So in 96 it was a big deal when we all went and saw the most talked about movie of the time “Twister.” We didn’t go see another…
The actor is survived by his family and Bill Pullman.
Why the fuck do we continue to invite LITERAL hate groups to participate in “constructive” dialogue? I’m so tired of this “both sides need a voice” false equivalency fuckgarbage.
I also don’t think they understand that women’s bathrooms have stalls. They seem to think a trans woman is gonna go into a women’s restroom, hike up her skirt and use a urinal.
I watched this in real time. He acted like the question was a total curveball and was beside the point. No, Sir. It IS the point.
This just shows you how isolated in their little bubble these people are. This guy clearly doesn’t know any trans people in real life; they are just some boogey-men out there that he imagines looks like John Cleese in a dress and acts like a sex-crazed lunatic. Faced with an actual, real-life trans person who just…
“Buy Ivanka’s stuuuuuuuuuuff”
There is no such thing in aviation, and this was a rather serious incident.
He’s Presumed Innocent, but that plane was a Clear and Present Danger to the jet. What if it had been Air Force One?! If I were a Witness, I’d be Frantic. What Lies Beneath that little plane... I mean, he could’ve been a Widowmaker.
This is a situation where a normal (meaning, not Indiana Solo) pilot would lose his licence ASAP.
When it comes to air traffic the definition of “close” (as well as the word “incident”) is very, very different than say, a near miss fender-bender. Air-traffic-control wise this is a pretty serious fuck-up not only because he came that close to an airliner, but because he’s in the wrong place altogether.
It’s kinda like when KROQ in Southern California would play Eminem, Everlast, and the Beastie Boys (this was late 90s/early 2000s), even though it’s a “rock” station. I was too young to put my finger on why it seemed weird, but whiteness was the only thing those acts had in common with any of the other music played…
JRPGs is an acronym for Japanese Role Playing Games. Some examples include Final Fantasy, Bravely Default, and the Persona series.
Funny, because I wish Donald trump was fighting anti-Semitism.
I know 13 year old boys. They’re still kids. Their bodies are bigger but they’re still kids in their minds. I noticed he didn’t talk about girls just boys. Frankly way to play into that fear homophobes have about gays targeting their children.
Just remember: they felt all the other awful shit he said about racial minorities, Muslims, women, and LGBT people was just a matter of “free speech”. Apparently this is the thing that was too “offensive” for them and where they felt the need to draw the line in the sand, where they felt the need to “infringe upon his…
Interestingly enough they were apparently super cool with all his racism, misogyny, and transphobia. They had no problem when he called a Black woman an ape, or when he doxxed and risked the lives of trans women. They had no problem when he went around making false claims that trans women are just predators in…