
That’s interesting how you say opponents as if this is a Dem/Rep thing. It’s not. It’s a matter of liberty. Do you think what Richard Spencer has to say is what he believes is good for America? This isn’t a matter of pro-choice/pro-life, it’s a matter of one person preaching ethnic cleansing. Violence shouldn’t be

Who’s saying we’re ok with it? We’re saying that Nazis aren’t immune form the consequences of what they say. That doesn’t mean we’re advocating violence. For example, if you called a person an asshole and he decks you in the face, your free speech wasn’t violated, you just accepted the amino consequence of calling him

Don’t the political opponents in this context want to exterminate me for not being white? That’s not exactly arguing whether we should expand medicare or whether we should have a 2% tax on soda.

One of my friends is in an interracial marriage. At a 4th of July BBQ we were at (a year before they got married) the neighbor’s 8 year old girl sauntered over and asked the two if they were dating. They said yes and the girl replied “Eww, that’s weird”

Did you know that Captain America #1 was produced months before the US entered WW2? Did you also know that this issue was considered controversial at the time because it was anti-Nazi and displayed Cap righteously punching Hitler in the face on the cover? Did you also know that co-creators Jack Kirby and Joe Simon

Also did you know that a certain wife-beating Nazi who’s now one of the Orange Hitler’s advisors was directly involved with the Gamergate harassment campaigns?

Is it political opposition? Or is it opposition to those who wish to kill an entire race?

Oh my god, Kotaku, why you gotta bring politics into gaming?! It’s not like those fascist Gamergaters are all Trump suppo- oh, nevermind then.

Until society acts and responds in a fashion that VALUES black lives, we will continue to have and need this movement. No where in history have white lives ever NOT mattered in mainstream America. It’s time to share the wealth. Black men and women have, from the founding of this country through TODAY, been sacrificed,

Zenyatta with a set of tennis balls.

Yes, because BLM is just like the Klan.


Just so you know, they’re probably leaving the internet browser off because it’s commonly used as a homebrew exploit, especially on Nintendo consoles.

I use it on my 3DS and Vita to log in to guest wi-fi and agree to their terms. Not being able to do that on the Switch could be an issue; I planned on hitting Starbucks and playing a little Splatoon or Mario Kart on my lunch breaks. Hopefully they’ll get some sort of rudimentary web browser up soon.

Decimation is in the eye of the beholder. At least 62 million Trump voters look at this as an attack by the biased liberal media on a good conservative woman who made a mistake and admitted it.

I mean, let’s be honest, any network that invites her on or agrees to have her on does so with the explicit hope that she’ll lie on air and they can gain clicks by calling her out on it.

Qdoba does not charge extra for guac or queso. Get your lies out of here, Kellyanne Conway.

Fuck that. There’s a reason Chipotle and Qdoba charge extra for guac and just slop salsa on like it’s ketchup.

Her opponent later admitted that it was the longest he ever lasted with a girl.