
Right in the nostalgia

He uses "Stumbling failures" and whilst Nintendo is stumbling I fail to see how it's also a "failure". The WiiU is far more enjoyable to play than my Xbox360 or PS3 simply because I never play my xbox or ps3 with my bro's without huge fights and arguments and we end up getting angry, but pick up Nintendo Land or Super

No. This is shit compared to Zelda.

Charmander and Charizard. Never liked Charmeleon.

You win sir. You win it all.

More and more daily activities will become video games and it will make them much more enjoyable and put more motivation towards doing the tasks. Such as perhaps washing dishes or wiping down tables and benches. Eventually everything we do will be a video game in some way.

So basically since you jumped on the bandwagon of "dubstep makes everything worse" suddenly this can't be GOTY? Get serious about it. The only reason people put so much hate on dubstep is because it's a music genre that got popular in the wrong light. I see no problem with dubstep and I couldn't care less if a game

They can't. They aren't violating any laws. Buying a PC from ASUS and then Pirating games won't end in ASUS being sued. Ouya is just another means to obtain games.

Their sale will be hot hot hot!

Oh right I'm on the internet. Where people don't understand the meaning of a joke and logic gets people nowhere. :)

Meanwhile in Africa......

I'm pretty sure if you go back to pokemon blue/red/yellow Lt. Surge says that there was a war going on making Ash the first generation to live in peace post-war. Im more than certain that Ash's father died in it hence why no one speaks of him. It would make sense.

I could not agree more. Easter eggs are what make a game really fun and give that little bit of extra playtime and Mario definitely did it the best.

I completely agree. While this is very wrong, it would finally add something else to these post-apocalyptic games. All I am seeing right now is the same shit I always see. Throw some new things into the mix. Maybe instead of him sleeping with her, she walks in on him having sex with a woman and she tries to escape in

Too true, if only this would spread throughout the world and become part of all teaching. Turning schools into "Nations" and classes can be made into "Clans"

To anyone saying this is a bad idea due to giving competition to kids being a bad thing, it's already there. This can turn a nerdy kid who gets picked on all the time into a fearsome knight that's level 20 and kicking butt.

The Aussie one looks cleaner and better for some reason XD