
Apple has become the gadget company for people who don’t care about tech.

I wish I had more stars to give you. Thank you. 

It doesn’t take my data, and sell it on the open market.

Counter Point: PC gaming is an ever growing and expanding thing. It has never been a better time to play PC games. It will always have the most options, genres and style of gameplay for every conceivable taste. Great games(imo) come out practically every week. They might not be the biggest games but there is always

She’s Indian.

Apparently it has to be spot on or it doesn’t count these days.

Im a power Android user and haven't thought about storage in years, thanks to google

The Server could tell us who she is.....if we could only find it...

We’ll show China who is boss! Just wait until we save ZTE and place tariffs on NATO countries!

Somebody found the hidden“F**ck tha police” auto mode.

Sign the petition:

For fucks sake America, a space agency should probably be led by a fucking space scientist. I’m sure there are plenty out there with experience running labs or running a business.

They’re trying to hide the fact that the Earth is actually flat.

Your issue is with copyright being unreasonably long, not with streaming services. Any reasonably person should agree that movies from the 30's should be public domain by now.