
So, this was discussed all the way back in 1995 in The Physics of Star Trek. In that book, Kraus said that the real problem is the teleportation itself, but the amount of data required to image a human being. Too much data.

My experience is exactly the opposite of yours...almost. The only time I have been in an Apple store was when my wife drank the kool-aid and bought an iPhone.

See, I am thinking that one big solar panel on that rack, and you drive it to work, and park it in the sun, and by the time you come back after work, even if it is only a partial charge, you’d have enough to get home.

I can think of one way the phone could be used to improve on this.

There is a visceral pleasure to turning a car key...at least for me and Erik. For me, it might have to do with being born before keys moved to the side of the steering wheel. I have always wanted to go back a full step, to the days when you put the key in, turned it and then push a button to start the car. Even my

When I was a kid, which was long ago, VW trikes were a thing. Standard VW Bug, but with a motorcycle front end. I think the main difference was that those were body on chassis design, so you took off the body, cut the chassis and attach a motorcycle front end and then do it up to look like a motorcycle.

I just want to be a Juke Box Hero.

I did not see The Phantom Menace in a movie theater. I saw it at about the same time that I saw The Fellowship of the Ring in a theater.

OMG!!!! Someone else who knows phlogiston. I have studied the history of science, and my two favorite items from that study are phlogiston, and impetus theory, though natural motion comes a close third, behind impetus theory.

I would buy more apps if I knew I could easily return it - especially when three hundred apps claim to do the same thing.

You made me think of one of my questions about facial recognition technology.

So, you are still deciding between Biden and Trump?

Amakase - I trust you with this.

Well, obviously...everyone knows that the missing mass of the universe is bunnies...or is dark matter just bunny poop?

The problem with dark matter is that by the time we understand it, I have a feeling that it might be called luminiferous aether...or something equally weird.

Hey, be careful there. Science is not a scam, and anti-vaxxers ARE morons, but....Yea, chemtrails.....

Pedantic away.  You are correct.

And, for those who don’t really understand science...which means mostly people who didn’t read this.

Pretty much everyone but Apple makes their products work with both Android and iOS. Even Android Wear, the smartphone OS from Google has an app for iPhones. Samsung smartwatches work with iPhones.

But, this is Trump in a nutshell.  Trump is never wrong.  He never misspeaks.  His phone calls are perfect.  He never goes too far...or not far enough.  I have this idea that he really thinks his name is Donald P. Trump, because he is Perfect.