Wow, this is weird. At the top, it shows Yesterday for this, but I wrote this reply, and Jason responded to me, more than 3 years ago.
Wow, this is weird. At the top, it shows Yesterday for this, but I wrote this reply, and Jason responded to me, more than 3 years ago.
OMG, pedantic raised to a whole new passive aggressive level.
All I want, is for the Evangelicals to be the death of them all.
Kinetic weapons would be the downfall of the AT-AT. Shoot a big enough shell at high enough speed at the side of that thing and over it goes. But, kinetic weapons don’t seem to have much of a place in Star Wars. One big rail gun could probably take out the whole group of AT-ATs....from the side. Unless of course, the…
Event Horizon, Merlin, others I cannot be bothered to look up at the moment....
I came here to say something much like you are, though I might have a different perspective, as a non-Apple guy (no banging on Apple today).
Any question about vaccination that did not remove cost considerations is invalid.
I would love to get a vaccine but I really don’t trust Trump to not push through an unsafe vaccine just to get it out there or cover up known side effects.
Second reply.
This is aimed more at Gizmodo.
Yes, we all know that Christians can never be hypocrites.
That’s it! I enjoyed the books, but I agree with the “out there.”
Thank you. It was a ship burial, but not a viking ship burial.
If it is a cruise missile as others have suggested, then it might be 17 times faster than a cruise missile, most of which are subsonic. And, Dolt 45, the Cheese Toasty President, cannot tell the difference between 17 times faster than a standard cruise missile and 17 times faster than the other guys.
It needs to continue to be news until November. People need to be reminded, over and over again, that this moron continues to say and do stupid things. In fact, in October, we need a retrospective to remind every American of the last 6 years (really more, but let’s keep it to the start of his campaign) of idiocy…
I really wish that I didn’t think this was an accurate description of reality.
There is also an old science fiction book with the same, or very similar plot.
Press Conference called by Governor Tony Evers.
That may still be the attitude of manufacturers, but more and more laptops do not have any easy way to add storage, and SSDs in the terabyte range are expensive still...though that will change. My new gaming laptop (15") has a 512GB SSD. The 17" inch it replaced had two 1TB drives. That is a lot of storage to lose in…