Drag City

I can't help being amused by this. But I unabashedly love shitty slash fiction, and back before I had a full-time job, I briefly planned to make a website of things that do not typically have ejaculate on them with ejaculate on them.

Bisexual Anthro major here. I'm sure you could find a bisexual woman who would object to the term "lesbian sex" to describe the sex she has with women, but my guess is that she would be
1. Still in college and
2. Insufferable
If we use language in order to be understood "lesbian sex" accuarately describes 2 women having

Wait, Smarties are Rockets in the British Isles? And arugula is rocket. Was there some kind of space age decree that one in ten foodstuffs must be called rocket?

If the writers are using The Count of Monte Cristo as their template, Jack is not the endgame.