
I spent at least 300 Hours in Forza Horizon 3. and another 300 hours in Forza Horizon 4. Perhaps this will break my mark and allows me to spend 301 hours in mexico and its DLC once its anounced? Who knows.

It’s been so long. the mindless driving and fun of exploring. : D

At least you’ve got some charging stations.

I have been playing magic since Prophecy (1999) and every single time they do a game, it sucks. Mostly.

Magic Arena is about as okay as you could get and this sounds as a fun romp for friends to do weird things with decks and combos and what not. Ima try to convince my friends (all over the planet now) to play this

you know, that happens in America as well! Anything that is not the United States and you can begin to see how it shapes the further south you go.

IT IS OFFLINE! Praise the lord for this!!!


Will this game be a Always Online Mess like the one before? Will it have Loot/Crate/Chest Boxes gambling style of gaming?

Well as a long time fan of PES, it is good to hear that they are back with a vengeance, But the thing is, the menus, the crashes on PC, and the awful commentary, and the lack of kits and actual players feels like too much of a hassle. I have just enough time to have a game or two in the Journey to just drop hours

I have reported so many people already for this same reason, that I think i might get reported as well just for defending other people. Yes. this is the exact same reason why I hate online gaming. But this game is amazing. It deserves a better community. Like WoW (that at least has a much more diverse community) Still

it is like christmas in May and you get to choose your presents and not be bothered by relatives giving you socks (which are nice)

Didn’t know this band. I am in awe. The mix of Prog with something more aggressive is amazing. Thanks for the heads up!

I never thought I would see Pallbearer here (never seen trve kvlt metal in the section) Amazing. Great album with a great atmosphere and amazing compositions that range all the way from doom to whatever you think these guys slapped in the songs. Loving it.

Where Do I sign to get one of these by my birthday in October? (I wont be missing the M3 after all!)

Origin Defaults to Mexico or Spain for everyone south of Mexico.

Dude, down in Venezuela I am stuck with a maximum download speed of 110 Kbs I would love to have those 1.8 mbs speed anyday.

I remember when I used to have a Sega Genesis there were virtual self imposed achievements.

because I am late to the party: Demon's souls, Stacking, Maybe Finally do the X1 Red Bull gran turismo 5 challenge (I don't think I can without a wheel anyways) and maybe some red dead redemption : D

Installed in a VM.

VOTE: 7-zip

I am living now in a dual boot environment, torn between vista and the 8.04 install.