
It made me think more of the kind of animation quality (that is, very little) that I've seen in certain cartoons made for young children, not even basic anime-caliber.

That was oddly disappointing. The animation didn't seem very smooth, and three minutes into a story is way too soon to be going for super-dramatic slow-mo battle sequences, especially with basically no character development. I enjoy the combat in what I've played of the series (first two games), but something about

Some good fights there, too.

I suppose that kind of makes sense, thanks.

These stories are great, but ...

Ahahahaha! That's great!

That's incredible!

This could not be any more appropriate. :-D

That is phenomenal. Thank you for sharing that with us!

Oh, bless you. :-( I did enjoy the Sonic compilation, short as it was. Yeah, Lights Out was a good demonstration of the touch screen.

That's pretty classy, and I especially like the environmental detail. I wish it had a subtitle, though (see also Sonic the Hedgehog, Prince of Persia, and Mortal Kombat for series reboots that seem to want to be named identically to their series). Are we going to be calling this Tomb Raider 2013 in a few years?

I honestly think it was Call of Duty 4, since that game sold TONS of copies and won many, many awards when it came out.

Hmm, fair enough. Thanks!

That sounds like poor writing to me.

I am ... curious about that second point. Did you really get evil points for that? (I've not played either game except for II's demo.)

Mwahahahaha! Thank you! =D

Hehe, thanks!

Tiger Electronics had its own handheld system at one point. The thing had a touch screen long before the DS ever came out, but the Game.com was also monochrome about a year before the Game Boy Color was set to release.

Resident Evil 2 was also on the Game.com (I had that version! Didn't get far, though) and the N64, as well as a Tiger Electronics thing named the 99x.

Well, I mean, you have to count Resident Evil Red, Blue, Gold, and Silver separately, so it seems legit to me ...