
This reminds me of "we'll match your donations up to [X] amount" schemes and charity game-show schemes where the charities only get the money if the contestant does so well. If you're prepared and willing to give a certain amount of money away, give it!

Still looks pretty yummy, but that slider feature is excellent.

Is this game any good? I bought Sim City 4 Deluxe Edition for five dollars on a sale several months ago and have been adoring that — does SimCity Social do anything that SimCity 4 does not?

Not familiar with that site or whether it in particular has this problem, but I can't help but think: Viruses ahoy.

Got my copy of Black 2 and my Collector's Edition strategy guide preordered. I'm looking forward to seeing what The Pokémon Company can do with the main series on 3DS, but for now I'm thankful I don't need one. Let's DO this.

Thanks for the positive wishes!

That's a good idea, and since I'm still looking for work (and since I just bought Rome: Total War for $1), I've not been in a big hurry to get Shogun 2 yet.

That Pyro is hilarious! I also really like the Zack one.

Hmm. That does kind of make sense, thanks!

Couldn't I just leave the debates on and go do something else? How is this motivating me to ~actually watch the debates?~ (I can't help but imagine most Xbox Live users who are even eligible to vote in these elections have probably made up their minds by now.)

I wouldn't be surprised to find that was true, given that I've seen a ton of attack ads against Romney, but by any chance would you happen to have a source for that?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh. Buy Total War: Shogun 2 now, or wait and *hope* Steam puts it on discount (not the Battles game that's on sale now) and offers various TF2 items with it?

SHEW, that's a lot of games!

I don't really have the money to buy the game right now, but thank you anyway! =) I adored the demo. Tactical turn-based combat, meaningful and difficult choices, even the close-up camera angles in the combat ...

Hmm. Thanks for your input; I may give this another chance.

Fair enough, thanks.

Does it improve beyond the first episode (which I watched and didn't care for — the "die in the virtual world, die in the real one" concept is something I've seen several times before, and the actual MMO the characters were playing seemed boring) ?

I love the colors in the article picture, but this is indeed one of my favorites.

Ohh. Yep, I see it now. Thanks!