This sounds so much better and more interesting than those Iranian propaganda games or whatever.
This sounds so much better and more interesting than those Iranian propaganda games or whatever.
I still prefer Invisible War over the original game, because Deus Ex 1's story got really weird for me as it went on (also, I didn't really enjoy the final levels at all). Deus Ex 2's story, I felt, was more down-to-Earth, even with the simplified gameplay mechanics.
"Deadman Wonderland" has gotten to the point where I simply cannot enjoy it anymore, as much as I really wanted to follow the story. The incredibly violent montage of Clockwork Orange (?)-style imagery wouldn't bother me half as much if it weren't being forced on a child who is clearly not enjoying watching this,…
I don't really remember the ladder area having a lot in the way of equipment, but I could be wrong. It could make a good sniping position depending on the equipment you got at the beginning of the game (the sniper rifle and the tranquilizer crossbow are actually found on enemies in the first level if you chose the…
Care to explain any of your arguments ("pandering," "dumb," "contrived," "talentless"), please?
If you're where I think you are, you're in a little base (watch out for security cameras!) with at least two floors. The base is arranged in a U-shape, not counting the really big room the copter's in. You could go on each side of the "U," get items*, and fight guards. Or you could go into the copter room and head…
I don't remember, are you the person I was giving Deus Ex 1 tips to the other night? Feel free to ask if you have any questions. I've beaten that game half a dozen times.
Praying for you. But if this is a literal/medical thing, have you seen a doctor?
Oh. If you're fighting Super Mutants early on in Fallout 3, you're probably going to be very low-level and equipped with very simple items. My suggestion is to go back to Megaton and clear out the Super-Duper Mart (it's to the east and a little bit to the north) if you haven't already.
Now THAT is a creative TAYpic!
That's very pretty.
You forgot the motorcycles, friend! :-D
That is the most ridiculous thing I've seen all day. Kudos. :-D
I just now got this. :-P
That's perfectly understandable.
I love my 360, but I do wish these things would come out for all platforms simultaneously. I doubt timed exclusives sell systems.
Hopefully the Steam Summer Sale starts. It started at the end of June last year.
Thanks! I wasn't sure if that was "just another platformer series" or what.
Edit: Image won't work. The character in the picture reminded me heavily of the old Croc games. Were those any good?