
I am also an atheist as a direct result of the behavior of Christians.

We'll just all offer and he can live everywhere he wants to live to get away from freakin' Georgia! (Also, I'll be right over for some Seattle coffee. See you soon!) :)

Seattle is waiting for you with coffee and Salmon and Gay Pride Day and love.


I have a friend who went to Baptist College of Nursing here in Memphis; he was always afraid someone from the school would find out he was gay because he could have been kicked out for that. Fucking love and peace, right?

I'm glad he knows about those services then since most people don't. You're a great friend for being concerned. I really wish y'all all the best, and hope that his mental and physical health improves.

I'm so sorry. He can also contact the NIH (national institute of health) or NIDA for free help. I work with NIH, and they have a lot of paid clinical trial options for people who are HIV+ or have Aids. They can also get him in contact with a government sponsored program for help if he wants it.

It's at $30k out of the $2k he asked for. In 20 hours. Whole lot of awesome people out there.

Beautiful story, and thank you for sharing. The last few months of humans being terrible has seriously done a number on me, as I'm sure it has to everyone. Hearing stories like this gives me a little faith in humanity back.

Holy victim-blaming in the comments, Batman!

There is hope! I come from a very long line of Arkansans who have lived in the south for generations (for reals, they came to Virginia and North Carolina on ships in the 1600/1700's or were native folks in the south) and are 1. SUUUPER religious and 2. Pretty damn conservative. My uncle is gay. He didn't come out

The second I left my church, I lost every "close friend" I ever had. One of them added me on Instagram recently and then emailed me to say sorry, but she was going to delete me because other people had seen me on her list and she was getting crap for it. I've seen so much hypocrisy and hate nothing surprises me

I went to a Christian university, and had many gay friends there (Theatre major, lol). SO many of them were either obviously gay yet not formally out to their parents, out to their parents but not allowed to talk about their lives with family, or had been through horrible ordeals like reeducation camp. It always

I grew up in Memphis, TN. I had a large social circle of gay and lesbian friends who had all come from small towns in the rural areas of TN, Arkansas and Mississippi just to get to the biggest city they were close to and away from the shitholes of "tiny country towns full of country ass people who believe in the

This shit makes me crazy. I have gay friends who I grew up with who were always gay and now that they've officially come out our psycho-religious community shuns them and their own families don't speak to them. It's not the WORD of god. We don't have the direct word of god. We have words from men, nothing more. I love

He needs a good ASO in the area (AIDS service org). I'm on the board for one in Alabama, and they do amazing work — if he needs help with meds, a social outlet, a place to live, they can help. Please, please get him in touch with one. This breaks my heart.

Oh, this is so, so sad. I hope that boy gets the fuck out of Kennesaw, Georgia. I have a gay friend who lives in Louisiana, and his parents and his family are very homophobic. He is also HIV+ and has depression. He quit taking his meds without telling anyone or seeking help, and slipped into full-blown AIDS, which

My thoughts are with Daniel. It must've been extremely scary to record that but I'm glad he did. Not only is their evidence of his mom's abuse, but hopefully some other parent will see it and think hard before they react with hatred for a child coming out.

i didn't cry until i saw that people had donated over 10 times the donation goal (didn't watch the video, btw). this summer has only intensified my cynicism and it was just such a relief to see that people are still good.