Matt The Radar Technician

They are not stating that the ubisoft games are always online. They are stating that those games that are so, are terrible for the reason being displayed here, loss of servers and support. What they do not specify is exactly why. They are not combining the two types of games as one group, they are using one to make a

There was no conflating of the two. It is deductive reasoning. They were using the current end of service to illustrate the point that always online will inevitably have this issue and thus, ultimately has no benefit for the end user.

Long story short, the settlement by EEOC was approved. ACTIBLIZ gets a pretend slap on the hand along with a wink and nod while the workers continue to get shafted. Shocking outcome, I know.

And suddenly thousands of IT technicians cried out in horror...

Man, the speedrunning community continues to amaze me... a game that took me 130+ hours to beat on the first go around has been reduced to 18 minutes... Granted thats completionist vs going straight to end boss, but its still bonkers to me.

Communications fraud didn’t really begin until around the 70s or so, which is well after the mass adoption of the home telephone which was closer to the beginning of the century. But yes as things became more efficient, cheaper and faster, it became more of a problem and with blockchain as you say, people already had

Yes, I was. To illustrate the incorrect generalization you are making. See the last sentence of my previous post. Telemarketing let alone the fraudulent aspect of cold calls and robocalls that we see today didn’t occur until long after the introduction of the telephone, and the others... shorter timeframes

Oh yea, I forgot how ENIAC was used to scam people, ARPANET was a bastion of degenerates, and don’t even get me started on Hopper and her cobol... the vile things they did with that in the beginning...

No, i got that point. Mine was that maybe allowing or fostering toxic behavior in developing children ends up with toxic adults.

I found an instance of this last week over behind Gurrang. After jumping down to some lower levels you can land on a ledge around the pillars and get the same thing. I slapped a message down there but so far no one seemed to have found it yet. By the sounds of it, there is probably a lot of spots like this

Hmm... Kids in the 90s are now grown adults.

People are going to discuss stuff when a game comes out. The writers are going to put the topic of the article in the title. Both of these are common occurrences and should be expected. If you are so spoiler averse with new games, it would probably make sense to not visit a website that its sole purpose is to discuss

Welcome to the wonderful age of meme humor. Where you take a mildy amusing thing and repeat it so frequently until it so far removed from being funny that it just becomes tragic and then continue to repeat it well beyond that. Really takes the whole beating a dead horse thing to astonishing levels...

If weak recruits is such a problem, increase the length of bootcamp to provide enough time for them to be built up “to standards” rather than trying to pump as many as possible through in a 8-10 week period. Maybe make the delayed entry program required and provide proper training and physical development in that

More than you would think but you usually only hear about the more meme-ish ones and of those, its probably closer to zero.

No need to apologize to me, I took no offense. I knew what you were going for, just pointing out that its not a great way to make that argument.

I was pointing out the hypocrisy of the argument OP was making and ultimately how ineffective it is in progressing any sort of meaningful dialog or ending racism. Not denying the existence of racism or that groups have been adversely effected by it. Nor was I denying the existence of white privilege... Don’t conflate

Nothing combats racism like making prejudicial generalizations about an entire race...

The prospect of whales who lack self control that could spend thousands would be enough for the greedy chodes in this industry. Combine that with the possibility that even in smaller transactions, receiving dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of cuts over time from having only sold an item once where the total RoI far