Matt The Radar Technician

That killed some of the excitement I had for this game... likely doesn’t bode well for the writing. Guess I’ll have to wait a bit and see if it’s all bloat collectible/fetch quests like I’m assuming.

That’s a lot of assuming... such that time, or at least time within the halo universe is seen as singular in which branching timelines are not possible. That line of thought also posits that the actions of atriox haven’t already had a causation on the events of past games. What if the events we have seen thus far are

What a take... supervisors really pushing for tabloid style ragebait, huh? Or are you really this contemptible?

Games back in the 80s also didnt sell millions of copies and bring in hundreds of millions in revenue. Nor could they be sold in an unfinished state while relying on patching to fix even the most basic issues. If they want to charge more, fine. But the juice better be worth the damn squeeze and if the last decade has

What a half-baked progression system... I already have a job, I don’t want another dammit.

Clearly, continuing to throw money at them didnt do shit to help the culture there or its workers. Clearly HR isn’t helping them. Clearly the executives who run the organization only help themselves... If the workers themselves are staging walkouts and still nothing is changing... what else is there?

No, they are a pierogi.

Login issues, constant game creating and joining errors, framerate drops or straight up freezing, hard crashes occurring on average once every 45-60 minutes... hell, half of the time when it crashes, it doesn’t even load the report window like its supposed to... this launch has been worse than cyberpunk so far in my

Radar has always been more of a distraction than anything else in FPS games, it kills your situational awareness. Players become too reliant on it. Case in point, this article.

You know who has the money to buy whole computers just for the GPU? Scalpers. You know who doesn’t? Normal people. Just because you can get a bunch of low end components that you don’t want or need with it at the same price does not make it consumer protection.

It was only fun when people actually played it the way it was meant to be played (for me at least). It didn’t take long for people to just start sprinting and killing everything around them to find their targets and quickly every match turned into a spasmodic display of impatience.

No more highlight reel, now this... Management just trying to suck every last ounce of fun out of this site?

People can. Other fluids can.

Ah the good ol’ “slippery slope” argument. Classic. Always an effective and definitely not pointless line of reasoning...

Additionally, before clicking any links or buttons in the email (this applies to any links, not just email related), if you hover the mouse cursor over a link, you should see the URL it points to. Generally at the bottom of the browser or in a context popup depending on your email platform. If the link points to a see

Those are protected classes, vaccination status doesn’t fall under that. Otherwise, schools/colleges requiring other vaccinations in order to attend would violate that same law.

Depends on what hardware you game on but there is lots to choose from. RE8 just released and its a tight experience. Can be completed in 6-8 hours if you are exploring/collecting everything, 2-3 hours at more of a speedrunner kind of pace. Subsequent playthroughs are just as entertaining as you unlock unlimited ammo

No communication guideline? READ THE DAMN TERMS! They don’t have to tell you jack. It sucks, but you agreed to it. It is standard across any platform/industry now.

Gasoline breaks down certain plastic materials. Apart from melting improper containers and leaking all over, build up of particulates in fuel certainly would not be good for use. Additionally, through improper storage, it can go “stale” (more quickly) in which it loses combustibility over time through both evaporation

Were they home at delivery? Why not refuse delivery? It might not address the financial side of the issue but at least they wouldn’t have to deal with so many boxes of melting popsicles... Assuming that a refrigerated truck (I would hope at least...) had to deliver it, how was this not a “signature required” delivery?